
You Know It's Summer In Britain When.....

May 18, 2014

Okay so I know it is not Summer until 21st June, but seeing as we have been having lovely spring weather(that feels somewhat summery) I thought I'd touch upon the weather in Britain. You see, sunshine doesn't really exist much in Britain, and when it does it is usually accompanied by wind, rain or even snow. I find it kind of funny, how we Brits react to the sunshine, so I thought a blog post was a must.

You know it's Summer in Britain when....

1.) You can't go anywhere without smelling suncream..

2.) The meat shelves in supermarkets are empty...

3.) Everyone is having a BBQ...

4.) People turn into lobsters even at 20 degrees...

5.) You get deafened by the noise of hundreds of flip flops...

6.) It's time to get the paddling pools out...

7.) You hear that glorious sound of the ice cream van...

8.) Everyone is sat outside... gardens, pubs, parks... you can't escape us...

9.) Bowls of water are outside every holiday shop, for thirsty dogs...

10.) Wasps.. WASPS... AHHH

11.) Dads become masters of BBQ tools...

12.) Mothers become over protective and make sure the food is near to charcoal just to make sure it's cooked properly....
13.) Kids wear those sun hats that have the flap bit on the back that covers their shoulders...

14.) Fruit suddenly become more popular...

15.) Ice Lollies are the after school treat...

16.) Beaches are packed even though its actually still fairly cold... but the sun is out so...

17.) The first sight of any existent sun, means everyone starts sunbathing...

18.) Old women apparently like to sunbathe too...

19.) Sleeping becomes difficult because of the 'heat' and to be honest, the pain of sunburn...

20.) After a while everyone decides it's 'just too hot to do anything' and we all go inside...

That pretty much sums us up I think. If you have anymore please comment and let me know!

Speak Soon X

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