
5 things you have to try at Disneyland Paris

June 04, 2017

Those of you who know me, know that I love Disney and more specifically Disneyland Paris. I've been 5 times and aim to go a lot more. I'm also hoping to go to Florida to Disney World in the near future as it's always been a dream of mine.

Why do I love Disneyland?

I get this a lot, or perhaps it's the look on peoples' faces when I say I want to go to Disneyland. If you haven't been you probably wouldn't understand but it honestly feels like you've stepped into a magical bubble where all your worries and stresses of everyday life have vanished. You become a fairy tale and everyone around you is happy. There's rides, food, shops galore and I love it because it simply makes me happy. I find it difficult to switch off sometimes, but I find that Disneyland is one of the few places I can truly relax and switch off in.

And therefore I write this post, having had a fair bit of Disneyland experience. Here is '5 things you HAVE to try at Disneyland'...

1.) Candy Apples - These little red gems practically made me love apples again. There are so delicious and you can also get chocolate apples too. If candy apples aren't your thing though, don't fret, Disneyland provides so many different sweet treats.

2.) Casey's hot dog - Sometimes you simply cannot beat a big ol hot dog. These dogs remind me of when I went to Disney a few years ago and after having had barely any sleep we sat in front of the castle with a hot coffee and a hot dog and it was lush. Good times.

3.) Beat the queue - If you aren't too fussed about watching the parades, then you should use this time to go on your favourite rides. There are less queues and less children around meaning you can have a quieter less busy experience.

4.) Crush's Coaster - It took me years to finally go on this ride because every time I went it was always packed because it was fairly new. But now it's probably my favourite roller coaster at Disney. It has no upside-down parts which means no headaches, and it doesn't rattle you around as much as the others. It does spin but I found this ride to be purely enjoyable and it felt like I was underwater swooping along with the sea creatures. The issue is, I don't think you can get fast passes, which means you just have to look out for when the queue isn't so long. Which brings me to my final point.

5.) Be a single rider - If you really want to go on a ride but don't want to queue, and if you're not set on sitting next to your friend or partner, then a lot of the rides have a single rider choice, which means you'll fill in the empty seats. You get to board the rides much faster which means more time for everything else. The queue for Ratatouille was about an hour and we boarded in 5 minutes via the single rider route.

What would you recommend is a must when visiting Disneyland Paris? Let me know in the comments or tweet me!

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  1. Ive always wanted to go to disney, really am going to make it my mission to go! great tips, xo




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