
Glad Hair Day- Soap & Glory | Review

August 09, 2015

What can I say, I love Soap & Glory products, who doesn't?

I'd not really had many Soap & Glory products until recently, I'd always admired them from afar. They are a tad expensive, and being a student, they haven't always been my first port of call due to their price. However, when pondering what I might like for Christmas, the idea finally came to me that I could ask for some Soap & Glory products.

These were two of the products I received. At this point I wasn't even aware that they did Shampoo and Conditioner, so it was very exciting for me. The first thing I noticed was the scent. So fruity and delicious and mmm! I couldn't stop sniffing it- bet I looked rather odd!

When trying these products out, the whole shower room filled with the yummy smell of Soap & Glory and I had to stand a while to soak it all in!

These products are to be used daily- if you wish- and are great at doing their job.

However, if you are like me and have fine, brittle hair and need something a little more moisturising, you may want to use this product perhaps once a week instead. I found that besides cleaning my hair and making it smell incredible, it didn't give it the moisture that my hair needed. With this being said, it is still a great product- I wouldn't expect anything less from Soap & Glory.

I think the better the condition of your hair, the better this product works, so look after your hair and Soap & Glory can do the rest!

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  1. I bought the mini shampoo and condition for a weekend away although I didn't get to use them. They did smell amazing in the tube though. I had a feeling they wouldn't be as moisturising as other products, I'm feeling a little psychic now.


  2. Moisture is a key aspect to my hair routine because my hair is bleached so its such a shame these aren't more hydrating because I'm sure they would smell incredible! I hope I can use them maybe once a week!


  3. I'm a student so i totally understand your price limit!! I usually get Soap and Glory as presents in a box set, and i haven't tried there shampoo/conditioner but i have tried their shower scrub which is my favourite product of theirs so far!!xx


  4. Need to give this a go!

    Lauren x | www.laurenselwood.com

  5. I love the smell of soap and glory - it's one of my favourite scents!
    Elle - http://elleandherbeautyblog.blogspot.co.uk/ xx

  6. These look amazing! I love Soap & Glory. Xo.


  7. I didnt know Soap & Glory did haircare products, I am definitely going to check them out I need a new shampoo and conditioner.

    Zeynab x
    The Beauty Load



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