
Dear Reader | A little life update

August 28, 2015

Hey guys,

I thought it was about time that I did a little post, addressing you all, my lovely readers. It's been a long summer and there has been a lot of beauty posts. It's been a while since I've done a post where I've just spoken to you, the reader, and spoken about myself, my life and of course what's going on in terms of A Little Bit Of Laura.

I know you all thoroughly enjoy my beauty reviews and posts, I've seen my views and statistics rise so much lately, especially since I've gotten back into my product photography. I want to take this moment to thank every single one of you for your lovely comments! For some reason my blog template ( I think ) won't allow me to reply directly to them, but I assure you I am reading them and I love you all!

As you may have noticed, my blog has gone under a make over itself and now has a nice fresh look which I hope you are all able to navigate properly ( I probably see it differently to you). I'm actually really pleased with the look, it doesn't usually take long for me to get bored of the design or layout however recently I've been absolutely loving it!

In terms of posts, I'd love to hear from some of you. I like to get suggestions for products to review or places to go or just simple things to write about. Your opinions matter to me, so if there is something you'd like me to write about, then please get in contact. I'd even be happy to collaborate with other bloggers, perhaps you are a beginner and need a little boost... let me know and perhaps we can do a tag/challenge together!

So, my life. Well if I'm honest it's been a rather stressful summer. Work got the best of me at one point and I started to feel a tad lost. Luckily, I know when to take a step back. Then I went to visit my lovely boyfriend (he lives in a galaxy far away) and after three wonderful days together, he was taken ill and a trip to A and E later and he was suddenly on the operating table having his appendix taken out- poor thang! Luckily he is making a good recovery and is feeling much better! So that was stressful, all the worrying (of course it was much worse for him!) and not being able to be by his side the whole time was very upsetting for me.

Then there was being (and I am still being) ill myself. Back and fourth trips to the doctors, not knowing whether to worry or not and not being diagnosed. Finally I believe I have a diagnosis which at least gives me peace of mind as to what is wrong with me, however whether the worrying will stop or not I don't know- I suppose we'll have to see if I get better!

It's not all bad though, because I've gone and booked DisneyLand Paris for me and my boyfriend for next year after we both graduate from Uni! I'm so excited although I do feel slightly bad for him as he'll have to put up with my crazy ass! Although he's put up with me for this long so... (if you're reading this Luke, thank you! <3)

I also went on a lovely little holiday to Norfolk with my friends, and whilst I was still concerned about my health, it was nice to have a break from everything. We stayed in a little static caravan which was both cute and amusing, but more on that in another post!

Also my boyfriend was then well enough to come and stay with me and my family for a couple of days which was lovely! So if you were wondering where I had been, this is where. I apologise for not addressing my absense more, but I felt like I needed to get away for a bit and with everything going on, it slipped my mind.

Now, I've already bored you all for so long so I'll just leave by saying that things have been up and down this summer, but I'm really looking forward to my last year at Uni, seeing my friends and my boyfriend and hopefully all that is to come with this blog! I'm going to write another post to celebrate all the good things that have happened recently on A Little Bit Of Laura, so if you'd like to celebrate with me, then look out for it! Because I have been absent for a while, and I love you my readers, I'm going to post some bonus blog posts! *hooray, does dance*. You're welcome.

Much love to all my beautiful readers and viewers!!

Speak soon

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  1. I really love these kind of posts - I quite enjoy little updates from the person behind the blog, I feel like I know you a little better.


  2. Disneyland Paris sounds so exciting! I've only ever been to the Disney in Orlando but Paris is one of my fav cities. Sorry to hear that you were feeling stressed at work - I hope it doesn't happen again! <3




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