
Barry M Gelly Hi Shine Nails | Review

August 13, 2015

Photography by LauraBethPhotography

 Gel nails seem to be all the rage at the moment, and whilst I've never actually been to a salon to have my nails done, I've heard that there are benefits to having them done. However if you're like me and would rather do it yourself due to it being cheaper and less hassle then you are probably left wandering up and down the beauty aisles in Superdrug and Boots, pondering over what nail vanishes are the best 'Gel' substitutes.

I had the same issue, but after much deliberation, I decided on Barry M. I trust Barry M as I've used their nail vanishes for years and have yet to be disappointed. These ones are called Gelly Hi Shine. I assume this means they are the next best thing to Gel nail vanish, which I assume you can only get done either professionally or by purchasing an expensive kit.

These two colours are lovely. I bought the pink one one day after work as a little treat. The other is one of my mum's which I have sneakily borrowed for this blog post. Both give off a really good shine which I believe is supposed to be one of the characteristics of Gel and are more hard wearing than normal nail paints. Of course it doesn't stay on quite as long as Gel, but that's because it's only doing its best at mimicking.

Overall I love these nail vanishes, and I would highly recommend giving them a go if you're interested in a 'Gel' look, a glossier finish and longer lasting nail beauty. They do loads of different colours, and of course this is only one brand. So many brands are now introducing Gel vanishes to try and compete with the Gel Nail craze!

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  1. I love these polishes =]


  2. I love Barry m polishes, and both these shades look beautiful!


  3. I really like the Gelly Hi Shine although I do find them quite hard to build up colour without having them peel off too quickly! I hear good things about their daylight curing nail varnish however I'm yet to give it a go.

    Sammy xo.




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