
Blog Summer Highlights

September 01, 2015

Hello everyone!

So today, instead of the usual beauty review and instead of me rambling on for ages, I thought I'd keep it short and simple and just celebrate all the hightlights of my summer that occurred for this blog!

  • I reached 20,000 views and more.
  • I reached 400 followers of BlogLovin
  • I reached 600 followers on Twitter
  • I joined Pick A Blogger Directory
  • I've had offers and recognisition for my blog.
  • I've received so many positive comments.
  • I've connected with other bloggers.
  • Being part of a blogging community- although I have not been able to attend any blogging events due to budget and availability, it's wonderful to know you are part of something and can go in the future.
  • I've given the blog a new design.
  • I've gotten back into my product photography and have received positive feedback on my pictures.
  • Each blog post is gaining almost triple the amount of views it was receiving before the summer.
  • Reached over 300 followers on Google+
  • Received the Versatile Blogger Award 3 times as well as the Liebster Award! 
  • The blog has reached The USA, UK, Pakistan, Nigeria, Germany, India, and so many more countries over the world, it's incredible!
Overall it's been a  pretty good summer for my blog and I thank all of you for reading and being so amazing. Thanks for the support.

And once again to all the people who have left me lovely comments, please know that I am reading them. My blog template at the moment isn't allowing me to reply for some reason. I am however trying to comment on each blog posts with responses to the comments so if you look again at the blog post you commented on, there may appear a comment from myself that addresses you. But thank you ever so much for all your kind words!!

Speak soon

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  1. Congratulations on all of your achievements! What a great summer for your blog <3

  2. Such amazing achievements, congratulations sweetheart! xxxxx


  3. Such a cute post! Well done for all your achievements hunnie x


  4. I don't comment that often but i love your blog! It's really grown a lot xx


  5. Aw, this is so lovely! Congrats to everything that you have achieved, good luck with everything to come, you deserve it! Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

  6. Congrats to your achievements =]




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