
How is the diet going? I'M GLUTEN INTOLERANT!

December 15, 2015

Okay, so those of you who were here maybe last week (or was it the week before?) will know that I started a diet. I want to make it clear why I am dieting (so that I don't get comments about it). I am in no way overweight, but I don't have the healthiest lifestyle as it's hard at uni. Therefore, I want to introduce a healthier diet, and lose a couple of pounds where they are unwanted!

So it went okay for the first few days. I didn't get a Domino's on Tuesday which I had originally promised myself. I did however buy cake... And then on Thursday I did get a Dom's but only because me and my boyfriend realised we hadn't eaten dinner at midnight and so we needed something quick (and it was our last night together before Christmas). So there were ups and downs.

Now back at home and I weighed myself and I am 8 stone 10. Which is pretty good, however because I have short legs and all the extra pounds go there, I'd like to lose a couple of pounds to make my thighs more slender. I'd like to point out that I am only 5 ft 3 by the way.

I actually bought some new dresses which I was really excited about and one was too baggy and the other was too tight which is always frustrating!! But the aim is to try and fit into the tighter dress eventually.

But then, gerund breaking news: I finally got my blood test results back. And I may be Gluten intolerant!! So the doctor has now advised me to go Gluten free for 6 months, which will be hard considering carbs are my favourite! However I am looking forward to trying new foods and hopefully it'll promote a healthier lifestyle whereby I watch what I eat more and feel better, both physically and mentally! So fingers crossed. I have decided over Christmas that I will try out a few gluten free products to get used to them, however I will go completely gluten free after Christmas!

So what's new with all of you? How are you staying healthy over Christmas?

Speak soon

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  1. Wow! A lot of people are developing gluten allergies these days! Hope you're doing well. :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  2. I'm glad to hear the diet is going well, before the big news! I've got a feeling that I'm also Gluten intolerant as I always bloat and has bad stomach cramps. I'm yet to get tested but I've completely cut bread out of my diet along with many other Gluten products and stick to Gluten free where I can. I feel so much better for it.

    Ami xxx

  3. I myself am not gluten intolerant but I have had cut out gluten in my diet previously to try and help a skin condition that I have. The best bread I have to say is the Genius gluten free bread. I don't find it as dry as some of the other brands. If you often go to supermarkets late, you may find it reduced (because gluten free stuff is quite pricey!) and it lasts for a good few days after the expiry date. I wish you the best of luck with it!

    Jasmine ♡ http://kkochsongi.blogspot.co.uk/



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