
Shopping in my own wardrobe!

December 21, 2015

Hi guys, there is only 4 more sleeps until Christmas!!!

I shall, as promised be uploading some Christmas recipes, however I do most my Christmas baking on Christmas eve, so I'll be uploading them then most likely!!

Today I wanted to talk to about clothes- so yes, it is indeed another fashion post. I realised that all I tend to wear whilst at Uni is leggings and hoodies and a lot of the clothes in my wardrobe I never wear. So I made myself a pact, and this shall also be a New Years Resolution too, to wear more of my nice clothes. I think a lot of the time I hold back from wearing these clothes because I feel they are 'too nice' or I tell myself it's 'not an important enough occasion'. However if I keep telling myself that, I'll never wear the clothes. So I promised myself to not hold back and to stop waiting around for an occasion to dress nicely, and to just go ahead and wear them.

So far I've managed a week and a bit of dressing nicely each day. By nicely I of course mean wearing my pretty tops, my shirts and not being afraid to wear skirts. And I'm really quite proud of how I've done, and I have to say it's made me feel more confident and pretty.

It may sound like a silly thing to do, but so often in life we buy things and then never get the chance to use or wear them. This is because we are waiting for a chance to be presented to us, when in fact   we need to present ourselves to the possibility of a chance. So this is what I've done.

I've fished out some lovely shirts that I had from Next and matched them simply with a pair of jeans to make them more casual rather than smart. I've worn tights and some of my lovely skater skirts too, which go fantastically with a block colour top. Today I made my denim skater skirt, which I would normally wear in summer, work as a winter outfit, by pairing it with a black polar neck top and black tights, finished with my Chelsea boots.

I already feel so much better for wearing these clothes, because I have a feeling that if I hadn't done, then I may have ended up getting rid of them. Now I have a new found love for all of my clothes, it's as if I've gone shopping in my own wardrobe, everything has a new leash of life!

So why not do the same? Give your clothes another chance to prove to you why you bought them in the first place! Also a little tip, if you buy something they doesn't look right on you, if you are handy with a sewing machine, why not transform it into something else? Maybe something that works much better for you.

Hope you've enjoyed reading this post! I will try my best to upload a couple of Christmas recipes before Christmas!!

Speak soon

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  1. I'm the same with the leggings and a baggy top, I've been living in a thick roll neck jumper and jeans most of Christmas. I've got so many clothes but I don't wear any of them, I need to have a proper clear out in the New Year.

    Ami xxx



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