
Ways to beat the 'Monday Blues'

January 22, 2018

Do you often feel the dread of the week ahead? Maybe you're tossing and turning, already awake waiting for your alarm to go off. Mondays can really suck, and if you, like me, work a Monday to Friday 9 to 5 (5:30pm for me) job then you'll really know the feeling. However there are some ways in which we can all make our Mondays slightly easier.

1.) Make your lunch the night before. I don't know about you but the thought of having to make a healthy lunch on a Monday morning is the last thing I want to do. So, if you make time to prepare it on Sunday night you''ll have a bit more time in the morning to spend on yourself... or in bed.

2.) Have a nice shower. This may seem like a normal thing to do but in order to make it better, perhaps buy yourself a really nice shower gel/shampoo and save it for Mondays, that way you'll always look forward to your Monday shower and you'll feel great afterwards.

3.) Spend half an hour (if you can) doing something you love. You can do this whilst getting ready if you like. For example, I do my make-up whilst watching Friends in the background. It means that my mornings before work aren't just filled with preparing myself for the day, but now include some fun/relaxation time. Of course this depends on how much time you give yourself.

4.) Plan to do something nice in the evening. Perhaps dinner with your partner, or drinks at the pub with a friend. Maybe you could go to see a film or even just arrange a cosy night in watching Netflix with your significant other. Or even a pampering evening. When you have something to look forward to your day will feel much better.

5.) Pick out a great outfit the night before. Choose an outfit you feel most confident in, or most comfy, or whatever clothes you feel your best in. That was you'll feel even more ready for the day ahead and you'll 'kick ass'.

Speak soon

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  1. I always prepare my meals on a Sunday - it helps so much! and I try to give myself some time in the mornings to read my book or some blogs!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX



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