
Simple Recipe | Cheesy Chorizo Pasta Bake

January 19, 2018

Hey guys,

So I thought I would begin the year with a wonderfully simple recipe that I developed on a Friday night. It's super simple and really delicious and perfect for using up ingredients.

I was spending my Friday alone and couldn't decide what to cook for dinner. And then I remembered that I had a lasagna dish. So I decided on a pasta bake. Instead of looking up a recipe I decided to just go with what my head told me. I must point out that as you'll see I haven't included any measurements... that's because I guessed it all. Life it too short.

Sauce - butters, flours, milk, cheese, oregano
Extras - chorizo and red pepper

1. Boil the pasta as normal, so for about 15- 20 mins depending on how you prefer it.
2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and then add some flour.
3. Add milk and keep stirring until the sauce begins to thicken.
4. Add cheese
5. Add oregano
6. Cut up red pepper and chorizo
7 Add to the sauce, stir for a few minutes
8. Pour a layer of sauce into lasagna dish and the pour pasta on top.
9. Add the rest of the sauce and grate a dusting of cheese on top
10. Put in a pre-heated oven for around 20-25 mins

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Let me know if you try it or if you, like I did, have a moment of spontaneity and make up a recipe.

Speak soon

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