
5 rainy day past times you should try

June 17, 2017

So, living in England means that summer doesn't always bring heat and sunshine. But nevertheless there are plenty of ways for us to keep ourselves occupied this summer, without the promise of denim sorts, straw hats, and layers of sun cream.

Here are 5 rainy day ideas:

1.) Read a book - Okay so this is such a cliche one, but when was the last time you sat down for a good amount of time and truly immersed yourself in a great book? It feels so good, to me, every time I have a quality reading session, so the raining days are the perfect opportunity to do so. Opt for a book rather than a TV show.

2.) Painting - You don't have to be Van Gogh to enjoy art. Why not print off a recent photo you took, perhaps a summery one, and try painting it or sketching it. If it turns out well, you may have discovered a new passion and if it turns out badly you'll probably have had a laugh in the process.

3.) Plan your travel list - I thoroughly enjoyed writing my recent '5 destinations on my bucket list' post, which you can read here. It felt great to think about the amazing places I'd like to go. And you feel like you're using the time wisely by planning holidays and adventures.

4.) Bake - I love baking and if you've been following this blog for the past few years, you'll know I've shared a few simple recipes too. Rain is an ideal excuse to get out the flour and sugar and start baking some delicious treats. It's fun, it's yummy and it's productive.

5.) Start a blog/write - For me, a rainy day is a great opportunity to catch up on blog posts. In fact as I type this it is chucking it down outside. So pick up your pen, laptop or tablet or typewriter (I'd like to think some people still have typewriters - how wonderful) and start a novel, write a poem or even start a blog. 

What do you like to do when it's rainy? Let me know in the comments...

Speak soon

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  1. a rainy day is definitely a good chance to catch up on blogposts! xx




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