
5 destinations on my Bucket List

May 27, 2017

Some people have a bucket list, others do not. I'd like to think of my bucket list as more of a mental note - think a doodle pad crammed inside my head. Anyway, I've recently thought it'd be great to actually write down all these things that I think to myself 'I want to do that in my lifetime' otherwise they'll slip into the back of my brain... the flipped over page in my brain doodle pad.

So to start with, I thought I'd share a little bit of my lifetime ambitions with you. Perhaps I'll make this into a reoccurring segment, the 'Bucket List' segment. Let me know what you think.

So this week I'll be starting with travel and my top 5 destinations that I'd love to visit in my lifetime. It makes me sad to think that in my life time there will be places on this planet that I'll never see... when you think of it like that it's actually quite depressing and makes you feel so tiny on the whole scale of things. But alas, we mustn't fret. If I could visit at least these five places in my lifetime then I'll be happy.

1.) Route 66. I've never been to America, despite it always having been on my holiday/travel radar. The idea of route 66 just appeals to me so much and I'd love to take a road trip with my friends along this famous stretch. Plus Area 51 - I am fascinated in the unknown, be it paranormal or extraterrestrial, and so I'd love to go and experience the sights and iconic stops along the route.

2.) Australia. Growing up myself and my Dad had a joke that because we were the more daring in the family, the two of us would travel to Australia and swim in the Great Barrier Reef. Visiting Australia is still high on my list and always has been.

3.) New York. This is one that I'm certain will happen. I have always known I'd go to New York, as if the city has been calling me. I love city breaks and New York is the ultimate city. So once I have saved enough, I will be booking this one.

4.) Singapore. Now this one is for an event more than the location. Some of you may know that I am a massive Formula One fan, and my favourite race circuit is in Singapore. So it's one of my dreams to visit Singapore and watch the Singapore Grand Prix.

5.) The Caribbean. What can I say, I love Pirates of the Caribbean. When I was a teen, my best friend and I used to joke that we'd love to go to the Caribbean and be pirates like Jack Sparrow. Not going to lie, Jack Sparrow is pretty awesome. But I'd also love to walk along the sandy beaches and splash in the turquoise water whilst sunning myself, and of course drinking rum. Who wouldn't?!

There are so many places I'd love to travel to and I bet after I publish this I'll suddenly think of somewhere else. But if I could get to visit these places I'll consider myself lucky. Some people don't get to see the world at all. I'm lucky enough that I've see a far bit of Europe, and my parents always took my on lovely British holidays. But it'd be wonderful to step into the wider world and experience it for real.

Which destinations are on your bucket list?

Speak soon

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