
Help: I'm Obsessed with Disney!

January 19, 2016

Hey guys, 

So I actually wasn't going to blog today, but I thought 'how can I not when I feel like this!'. You're probably thinking, 'omg what's wrong, is she alright?' But most of you have probably read the title of this and figured it out.
Basically I'm going to Disneyland Paris in June with my boyfriend and I could not be more excited. It's not like it's even that close, imagine what I'll be like when the time comes!
So because I've felt in such a Disney mood recently, I started watching Disneyland vlogs on YouTube and I became obsessed. Now I've been to Disneyland Paris 4 times already and the novelty has never worn off, if anything it's got better each time I've gone. So what was nice about watching these vlogs was that I could relate and I knew about all the things they were talking about and the places they were going. And awh it made me so happy, I felt like I was there, which then made me even more excited.
I know this is such a random post, but I just wanted to express to you all, my lovely readers, just how happy Disneyland makes me. And how amazing it can be for a person. I truly believe it is a place of innocence and fun and happiness, and well, who doesn't want that in life. You can be silly, laugh, cry and most of all, when you're there, nothing else matters, you feel like you're in an entirely new world.

A lot of people may not understand it and may think it is for kids. But I must say, that is completely wrong. I think it's just as much for adults. It's just such a surreal, happy, magical, carefree place. It's helped me get through some stressful times and I am unashamed to say that Disneyland is my happy place, and I would go all the time if I had the money.

I am thrilled to be going with my boyfriend, because he makes me the happiest girl and certainly treats me like a princess, so being in Disneyland with him will make me over the moon.

I'm literally singing along to the Frozen soundtrack as we speak. I'm hoping to vlog part of my trip for my YouTube channel, so if that's something you'd be interested in watching, let me know.

Who else loves Disney, and do you have any stories, I'd love to hear them!

Speak soon- sorry for the randomness

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  1. I totally agree - it's definitely a place for adults too! I've never been to Disneyland in Paris but been to Disneyworld in Florida a few times and I love it! Have a wonderful time and can't wait to read your posts about your trip!

    Sarah xx


  2. definitely not for kids, I've never been and really really really want to :( I'm so jealous. ENJOY! XXX Megan x (vintagebeautyspot.wordpress.com)

  3. Awesome post! I'm also going to Disneyland this year and I am so excited! x

    Cait //

  4. You are so not alone! I LOVE Disney!! I've never been to Disneyland Paris but it looks totally epic and I'm so excited for you and your boyfriend to be going together!

  5. I totally agree, love Disney! Me and my boyfriend went in May last year and I'll admit I think about it probably everyday since we came home! Such a magical place x



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