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January 16, 2016

A 3rd year's perfct breakie!
Hello everyone,

Apologies as usual for not being very active recently. After Christmas I had about ten days to finish off two assignments and so I was busy with that, and of course settling back in. So I thought I'd just walk you through what's been going on since we last spoke which I believe was on Christmas day, was it not? Gosh so long ago, sorry folks!

So I moved back to uni on Sunday 3rd Jan. I didn't have any lectures until Wednesday so I had a few days to get back into routine. I actually spent those days doing work and unpacking as I was a bit too lazy to do it all on Sunday.

I'm study comedy currently which is really interesting and I'm liking it a lot. It's also been lovely having lectures again as with my course most of second and third years has been seminars. I don't know why but I really like sitting, taking notes and listening.

Anyway, exciting news, I found out I received a 2:1 in the first half of my dissertation which is really good and something I am proud of. I worked so hard and even though I didn't get a first, I realise that it means if in the future I want to develop my piece into a novel to be published, I still can improve it, which is a positive thought.

Now, I don't have any deadlines for a while, and whilst I'm still going to be working hard, I am going to make sure I do some product photography this week so I can line up lots of beauty reviews and posts for this week and hopefully next.

I am also wanting to start up my vlogging again soon as it's been so long since I did one and I kind of miss it. I'd love if you could give me a suggestion for what you'd like to see on my first vlog back!!! So please comment and let me know!

So this was just a quick update really, but I will be back this week, I have some super cool products to put up on here so calling all you beauty fanatics!!

Hope you are all having a good new year so far!

Speak soon

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  1. aw great to have you back! hope you had a great new year and xmas. im going to start vlogging this month hopefully, im so excited.
    Have a good week!

    Katie x x




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