Chanel No5 | Beauty Review

January 26, 2016

Hello lovelies,
I cannot explain how much I've always wanted a little bottle of Chanel No5. My mum always had it when I was growing up and I would always sneakily steal some- she would always find out, because I'd smell so great and she'd always say 'Oh you smell nice!' and I'd just reply 'Thanks, it's yours.'
And so this Christmas, I asked for some.
I know it sounds silly but I've always thought of Chanel as being a real woman's perfume, and until recently I didn't feel ready enough, mature enough, woman enough. But now, at 22 and in my final year of uni, I felt ready! Can you sense I'm saying this in a dramatic way?
Anyway, I was luckily enough to be given some by my lovely parents.
It smells so fancy, that's the best way to describe it, I feel like I have my life together when I where it.
I believe this is the classic perfume smell. If you had to give an alien a bottle of perfume to explain to them what it was, I feel this would be what you'd hand them.
I just love it, the smell lasts all day and lingers on your clothes making them smell divine.
The bottle is so classy and neat too which I love because I think part of what draws us to perfumes is the bottle, and manufacturers have clearly caught on to this, otherwise we wouldn't see so many fancy bottles. It's simple but in a posh kind of way.
It is obviously quite pricey, but it's the kind of perfume you do not wear every day and can be saved for best or when you're feeling woman enough haha I don't know what I'm saying. Plus if you are planning on say wearing the same jumper the next day, then you already smell of it, so no need to reuse.
Basically Chanel No5 is fabulous and I love it!

Speak soon

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  1. I absolutely love this perfume its my all time favourite!

  2. I completely feel the same way! When I was younger I always thought Chanel perfume was for a grown up classy woman. Haha.

  3. This is such a timeless scent! And perfect for your last year at uni when you're evolving so much as a person. So sweet of your parents to gift you with some!


    Ashley || Sed Bona



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