
My Hair Journey | New Hair

September 05, 2015

So today marks an important day... I went to the hair dressers! Now you'd think that being a beauty blogger, I'd be all about salons and hair dressers, but in honesty, I haven't had my hair cut at the hair dressers since I was 17... about 4 years ago. Since then i've just grown it out and when I needed a trim, I let my mum cut a bit off the ends!

But today I needed a change. If you've watched my YouTube video where I speak about my 'hair journey' you'll know about this. But basically I used to bleach my hair when I was about 16/17 to the point where it started breaking/falling out. That's when I went to the hair dressers, got it cut off and then started treating it better. I then opted for brunette as it was easier to keep and maintain and I hadn't looked back since.

However over the past 8 months or so I realised how much I missed being blonde and seeing as my natural colour is a lot closer to blonde than it is brown, brunette just didn't feel... me.

So I went through processes of letting my roots grow out, then dying it lighter shades and so on.  Gradually the dark got further down my head, but it didn't look great. It was like opposite ombre (eek)! Then I stripped it using Colour B4 (which by the way is a great product!) and that lifted the colour a fair bit... I did this 3 times or maybe 4, and my hair was still darker than I needed it to be in order to apply a blonde dye. With this all in mind I was desperate not to damage my hair. Luckily the summer sun lightened it a bit as well. But it got to the stage where I was fed up of doing it myself. I wanted nice hair again and my resistance to pay money to have it cut was showing as my hair just looked dull and boring with no character or style.

So today I went to the hair dressers!! The girl I had was lovely and did such a thorough job. I had a full head of pre-lightening (I think she said that was the name) highlights and a good ol' cut!  Even though it still isn't as blonde as I'd like/thought it would go... it looks amazing and feels so much more mature... I finally look my age (maybe). And I really love the colour it's gone. It's a blend of blonde with golden blonde and ash blonde and it looks lush- so Jennifer Aniston!

When I had the foils in I looked like Meryl Streep in Into The Woods!! But when it was all done I was amazed at how healthy and natural my hair looked! I feel very comfortable with the colour and the style and even though I had a fair bit cut off, it's still long enough to style etc!

I am so pleased with my new look and it looks super cool!

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  1. I laughed a little too hard at the foils making you look like Meryl in Into the Woods hehe, no way you look really cute even with the foils in! Your hair looks absolutely gorgeous the cut really frames your face and the color is gorgeous as well! xxxxx


  2. So nice! Looks beautiful and incredibly healthy!

    love, Turn it inside out

  3. Glad you liked the post! Thanks for your lovely comments! x

  4. Ooooo I like it =] suits you


  5. I do the exact same thing regarding my hair too! Yours look lovely.




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