
Max Factor Lasting Performance | Review

September 29, 2015

Hello everyone and sorry for not posting on Sunday, things as usual have been hectic. I am going to write a post soon explaining why I'm so busy, so please bare with.

Now, one of my favourite types of make-up is foundation. Why do I love it so? Well let's see: it makes your skin look good, it hides dark circles and blemishes and a make-up look would not even begin without it!

The problem is my skin is difficult. And if you have read my blog before you'll see that I have reviewed quite a few foundations. The truth is, I'm still trying to find the perfect one. I DO think that in order for this to happen I need to perfect my natural beauty/skin more and take better care of it. If i do this my skin will improve and I may not need so much foundation and/or foundations may start to look and work better.

I bought this Max Factor Lasting Performance when it was on offer. Max factor is rather dear and I've always wanted to buy from it. So when I saw that it was on offer I jumped at the chance to save a few quid. It was still quite expensive as foundations go but it was still better than buying at full price!

Now this foundation actually has a lovely texture. It is really creamy and soft but isn't really thick. It gives a good coverage and a flawless finish. It makes your pores look smaller too which is an added bonus.

The problem I had with this is it did tend to go patchy and come off more so on parts of my face than others. However I literally have this issue will all foundations- I am yet to discover one that doesn't melt down my face and gather at the tops of my eyebrows!

Another issue I had was the colour was slightly orangey pink. I thought getting a slightly darker tone may mean it'd blend in with my body when I have fake tan on, but it was a different kind of tone. it was more pinky/orange rather than tan coloured.

Nevertheless I think with proper application and skin that is taken care of, this product has the potential to be great for everyone! I haven't had any major issues that make me dislike it, however it has not wowed me as much as I thought it would. With this being said I still like the product and use it regularly!

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  1. I'd like to try this and see how it works on my skin!




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