
Moving in | Back to Uni

September 16, 2015

Lovely seaside!
Okay, so I'm guilty guys, guilty of not blogging is a fair few days, but I can explain. I've just, moved back to Portsmouth for my final year of University and last week was very manic what with having to pack up my life (basically, I have so much stuff!) and then unpacking it again in my new crib! But having said that, it was all worth it because I love my new house and even though I still haven't got used to it yet, I can tell I will enjoy living here. It's in a perfect location and my room is huge and my bed is super comfy!

So apologies for not blogging but it's been hectic, not only with moving in, but with seeing friends again, my boyfriend and just getting to grips with being back in Portsmouth and away from home. But I am back on the blogging waggon now (well hopefully) but of course I will be studying hard too so I hope to do my best for all!

My cute fireplace!
Luckily for you beauty addicts, I have some new product reviews coming shortly and I'm hoping to do some student menus/recipes in the near future. I also plan on doing some student fashion kind of posts, as mentioned a few days ago, but I want those posts to be done well, so I won't be rushing into it...plus I basically live in hoodies and leggings, but then again... maybe that is 'student fashion'!

I've also joined the University gym so I aim to go there most days and do lots of fun fitness classes, so there will for sure be plenty of fitness and exercise posts and updates for you all!

So once again, I'm still here, and sorry for not writing in a while!

Speak soon,

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  1. Best of luck with Uni sweetheart, can't wait for your upcoming posts! xxxxx


  2. that fireplace is really cute with those candles:-) i live right near Portsmouth haha! i love your posts:-)xx




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