
Quick and Easy Guide to Contouring

September 08, 2015

So, contouring has been around for a while and is still extremely popular. For anyone who doesn't know what it is, basically it involves using makeup such as concealer/highlighter and bronzers to sculpt the face and make it look more toned. Why do we do this? Well why do we do anything? It makes us feel and look good, however that's only if we get it right, and believe me it can go wrong and look awful.

So generous ol' me has drawn out a very easy guide to contouring. I plan to upload a YouTube tutorial soon as well, so please stay tuned for that as I'll be using the guide from here in my video. So if you want to watch how I do it then please stay tuned.

Not sure what my mouth is doing here, but the contouring looks good!

So I drew out this dodgy looking face to represent me or well, a face. I can't even look at it for too long without being creeped out by it! But, I did it for you, to help you, so sit tight and don't look directly into its eyes...
***Before I start I must claim that I am not a professional make-up artist and the process I am describing is just my suggestion and may not work for everyone. Please bare this in mind!

As you can see it looks pretty weird, but this is what your face will look like before the process is finished. SO my advise would be to first of all apply a nice base, preferably one that is comfortable and not overly thick otherwise you'll end up looking caked in make up which is not what we want. Perhaps a BB cream or whatever looks nicest. Also it needs to be a tone that matches your skin well. I know that sounds like a given but if its too dark, then you look way to bronzed afterwards. So try to aim for a colour that matches OR is slightly lighter.

Once that is done, find where your cheek bones are and apply some bronzer just underneath them. You may wish to blend this now or wait until your face is mapped out. You want to apply bronzer also to your temples, under your chin/ either side if you want to make your face look narrower, and at the top of your forehead. This will frame the face and is where you might naturally tan. You may want to apply a bit of bronzer to either sides of your nose too, if you want to make your nose look smaller.

Once you have done that, you want to find a good concealer or highlighter. I would choose a concealer myself as I tend to use my highlighter afterwards for finishing touches. You want to apply the concealer in triangles under your eyes, down the nose, on the chin and another triangle on your forehead. You may wish to apply a bit to your cupids bow or anywhere else you feel necessary.

Now you can blend and rub it in how ever you choose. I like to use a sponge to rub in the concealer and a brush for the bronzer. I then place a tiny bit of highlighter on the apples of my cheeks and a tiny bit on the end of my nose to give myself a little glow.

I then set it and complete the blending but applying some powder to my face. This not only ensures the make up with stay put for longer but it also softens the look so it doesn't look quite so made up!

I hope this has somewhat helped, and as I say a video will be up eventually and I shall post it to this blog as well as YouTube. Of course everyone's face shape is different so it is important that you manipulate this process to suit your face.

Thanks for reading and speak soon my lovelies,

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  1. Gorgeous contouring! I also love your eyeliner <3


  2. Your contour is so on point, beautiful! xxxxx




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