
August Instagram Round Up

August 30, 2015

Since we are almost at the end of August (I can't believe it's gone this fast!), I thought I'd do something to celebrate and round up the month. It's been a crazy kind of month, so much has happened. I've seen people do Instagram round ups and seeing as I'm a bit of an Instagram junkie I cannot think of a better way to say goodbye to August 2015. Let me know if you like these kind of posts so I can do more of them.

Warning... may include ridiculous selfies and posing. Can't help being fabulous I guess.

I took this after finally eating a proper meal after being worried about my boyfriend after his Op.

These crazy Haribos with mixed up flavours and colours.. crazy!

When I bought myself an adult colouring book! We all deserve to enjoy the things we did as a kid.

Some yummy yummy cupcakes in time for The Great British Bake Off!

Just a selfie, because as you may know, I enjoy them. Nothing wrong with appreciating yourself and enjoying the way you look.

When I set up a countdown for things so far away I.E Disneyland!!

A hot drink in my favourite mug!

When I'd lost 5 pounds and was celebrating feeling great (have probably put those pounds back on now... damn!)

Sometimes it's the simple things that look good. Plain black tee with high waisted jeans for my family day!

When A Little Bit Of Laura reached 20,000!!!

When I gave myself a pedicure.

When I used my St Tropez tan!

Tan and nails!

High ponytails are the best!

Tea, and laptop time is key!

Nothing beats a relaxing bath with candles!

I got this cute little box for all my bloggy things!

Phone view of my blog!

Audrey Hepburn inspired day.

Uploaded a beauty review on Barry M Gelly Hi Shine.

Marvel gets ready for his holiday with his Avengers rucksack <3

Claw like nails that I then couldn't do anything practical with.

Make up all done for a night on the town with friends.

Another mini Primark haul.

The Walking Dead hoodie.

Photo from my night out with my friends! :)

Screen shot of my blog!

Wedding dress goals. Jennifer Aniston's dress- gorgeous.

Little holiday collage.

Selfie in the ocean before dropping my phone in the sea!

Pretty beach huts.


Me with 'Bae'Max :)

Pub lunch with family at Stoke Brunene.

My Sanctuary Spa blog post!

Another beach selfie!

A shirt day!

Yesterday's BBQ!

Me and my lovely boyfriend, from when he came to stay!

Using my St Moriz fake tan for a quick glow!

I wouldn't normally upload random photos of my legs, but I thought they looked quite nice in black and white... is that weird?

And finally one last selfie, because I was feeling fabulous. Well anything to distract me from being ill.
So there you have it, my August Instagram round up! There was a hell of a lot of photos, I do apologise! Hope you had a wonderful August! Let's see what September brings shall we?

Speak soon

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  1. Great photos! I really want to get my hands on one of those colouring books.


  2. wow great grams! Love your makeup your eye liner is so amazing! those adult colouring books look awesome i need one hehe x
    Sophie Jenner x
    Enter my Beanies Coffee Stash *GIVEAWAY* here!

  3. Your selfie game is SO on point! Hehe lovely post! xxxxx




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