
Sanctuary Body Butters | Exciting Finds | Beauty Review

August 27, 2015

Photography by Laura Beth Sexton Photography
 Don't you just love it when you are rummaging through old bits and bobs and gifts and you come across some awesome things that you've never thought to try or had forgotten about? Well this happened to me and I came across these lovely little Sanctuary Body Butters.

This body butter is perfect for applying after a spray tan. Its subtle golden shimmer compliments your glow excellently!

All of them smell divine and are absolutely perfect for applying after a nice relaxing bath. I found that the smell was strong enough that if applied in the morning, for example, they acted as my perfume as well, so I didn't need to waste my Prada Candy that day! I love a moisturiser that you can smell for ages AND that makes your skin feel soft yet firmer.

These pots are little however they are the perfect size for packing for a holiday or a short trip, so great for the summer holidays!

I love discovering products that you'd either forgotten you had, or you've just never thought to try. This was one of those moments and now I have four little pots of body butter to use up this summer! Yay!

Speak soon

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  1. I love sanctuary and usually end up getting a box of goodies around christmas time! I love all of their fragrances.


  2. These look gorgeous, I need to try them!! x

  3. Just found your blog and im totally obsessed! Love it! xoxo


  4. Thank you all for the lovely comments! xx



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