
What a wonderful world...

August 11, 2015

Photography by LauraBethSextonPhotography
So, it's been quite a while since I've done a proper lifestyle post/ personal post and I thought one was about due. The weather has not been perfect this summer, much to my annoyance as I had so many things I wanted to do. Nevertheless, my mum and I told ourselves we'd be spontaneous and if we had an idea to go somewhere/do something... then we'd just do it.

So the sun was beaming the other day, and BBC weather had told me it would be cloudy so we were thrilled that the sun had in fact come out to say hello. We decided it was a perfect day to go out to somewhere lovely, and perhaps have some afternoon tea. And that is precisely what we did.

Those of you who are local may have heard of this place, but the majority of you probably haven't. However if you are a fan of Sprinkle of Glitter (I know I am!) then you may have seen it in one of her videos. Coton Manor Gardens.

Long story short, it's this beautiful manor house, which you can't go in, but the owners open the gardens to the public for a small price, which are so beautiful. There are flowers everywhere, ponds, ducks, chickens, even FLAMINGOS, and so much more. It is every kids' dream I imagine- especially if you grew up watching films like The Secret Garden and Tom's Midnight Garden!

We had a lovely afternoon pottering around this place, soaking it in and sitting on benches enjoying the glorious weather. We then of course (how could we not) stopped for a Cappuccino and slice of cake. I had a piece of brownie and my mum had some chocolate cake- mmm.

We then had one last wander around the gardens before heading home.

It made me think... there are so many horrendous things happening in the world, which we always focus on. But there are SO many beautiful things in the world too which go unrecognised. If we tried to see the beauty in life more often, perhaps we'd find more peace?

What a wonderful, beautiful world we live in.

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