
How Time Flies

May 25, 2014

So the time has come for me to move out of my University Halls of Residence. How time flies!! It seems only yesterday that my parents were dropping me off. We had the whole car stocked so full of boxes and clothes, that we could barely see over them to talk to each other. It makes me think about how far I've come. University was never something I felt destined to do. Some people always knew they wanted to go, but my fate was unplanned as far as I was concerned, so when I finally decided to give University a try, it was a huge deal! But here I am about to finish my first year.

It doesn't feel as though I've been in my little room long enough. Of course I had to spend three weeks out of it when I had to have my carpet re-done as over the Christmas holidays my room flooded due to the bad weather. But it seems strange that after this holiday I won't be returning to my little room and flat. It's funny how quickly we adjust to places. Here I was being thrown into a entirely new place that I knew nothing about, with people who I knew nothing about and who knew nothing about me, and yet it's hard to think of a time that I wasn't here, with them!

With one week left I now have the chore of packing and sorting through everything. Tonight I tackled the task of sorting out the wardrobe. Luckily it was mostly empty bags, which I could just chuck away, so it wasn't as horrendous as I'd imagined. But it's actually quite emotional to see everything that has become my new home, put away into meaningless boxes. The room is feeling much more empty now, and it's odd to think that in a few months time, my room will belong to someone new!

My first year has been a blast. It's had many ups and downs, and involved many wild nights and many nights in eating food that is bad for us. But when I think about it, University was a path. A path that I could either take or walk the other way. Now, I don't know what would have happened if I'd have chosen the other path, but I have a feeling I would have stayed in the same place and never moved on in life. But it's now clear for me to say that I chose the right path. The fog going across that path has now cleared and for once I can actually see where I want to be!

Sometimes it's worth just taking risks and taking chances. They may just be the best things you've ever done!

Apologies for the overly cheesy post! It's sounds as if I belong in a musical....

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