I know people love a good ol' 'How To' blog post, myself including, so I thought it was about time I did another. I don't know how helpful it will be but I suppose we shall fathom that at the end. So recently I been a little down and I sat at my desk all alone, feeling sorry for myself, and it got...
Okay so this is a long shot, but I recently stayed up watching Jenna Marbles videos because they are hilarious and if you haven't watched her videos, you definitely should! Anyway, I came across a rather recent video called 'True Life: I'm Addicted To Leggings' and it made me laugh so much because it related to me so much. It's totally true, I...
So the time has come for me to move out of my University Halls of Residence. How time flies!! It seems only yesterday that my parents were dropping me off. We had the whole car stocked so full of boxes and clothes, that we could barely see over them to talk to each other. It makes me think about how far I've come....
So here it is, another poorly made video, because I know how much you love them!! ... No, you don't? Oh well I'm going to upload it anyway! Enjoy! ...
So I've promised another beauty post for a long time now, and I've been wracking my brain thinking as to what to write. It's so easy for me to just write a post telling everyone that they are beautiful, but what good does it do, how many people walk away feeling better? It makes me extremely sad when I hear about someone with...
Since coming to University, I have noticed a huge divide in genders. I have recognised that a large amount of female students are or consider themselves to be Feminists, myself including. It's actually been lovely to meet other strong women who are independent and have their own views about sexuality, sexism and gender equality etc. Having gone through my fair share of well,...
Okay so I know it is not Summer until 21st June, but seeing as we have been having lovely spring weather(that feels somewhat summery) I thought I'd touch upon the weather in Britain. You see, sunshine doesn't really exist much in Britain, and when it does it is usually accompanied by wind, rain or even snow. I find it kind of funny, how...
Hi guys, so today's vlog will have to be a blog. I will still be blogging tomorrow,but felt guilty leaving you all with nothing, especially as it's Saturday. So basically I was planning to do a Day in the Life style video, but it pretty much failed. I recorded footage but most of it won't load to my computer and also I spent...
Have you ever felt like you have so much to give, yet you can't seem to give it? I know I have, and that's why I felt it was important to write about becoming the better you. We all have a version of ourselves that we like more, you know, the kind who always has an answer or come back? Well unfortunately most...
Tea. An amazing cure for almost every little stress and pain known to man. For me, tea is a daily part of my life and I don't think I could not include tea in my routine. I thought that today I would talk to you all about the importance of tea, or at least how important it is to me! I love tea...
So I went shopping for cosmetics the other day. I've never really bothered much in this area until more recently. My favourite thing to shop for is normally clothes, however recently I've discovered my new found love for cosmetics. Now I am still a student therefore I am not about to go out and splash the cash too much, so instead I found...
So here is this weeks vlogging update. Sorry it's not a majorly exciting video, I've been rather busy this week, but didn't want to disappoint you, so here is a little update, because I love you! X Enjoy!! ...
Article written for University Starting University is a big step to take for most people. Not only are you most likely moving away from family and friends but you have to become responsible for yourself. Needless to say, University puts you under a lot of pressure. So why pile more pressure upon yourself? It is no secret that University is home to a...
It's really horrible weather here today. The kind that either makes you feel horrid or actually makes you happy because it's an excuse to stay in and get cosy whilst watching Disney films whilst wearing no makeup! It's really rainy and windy and it's so loud I have to put the volume up on my laptop! I was struggling to think as to...
So, many students are probably in the same boat- not having enough money for things they need even with a student loan. A lot of people think students have it easy, but it is untrue when you don't have enough money to buy food... So I thought It'd be funny to write about the 20 signs that you are poor. 1.) Your cupboards and...
I was recently blown away by a viral video, that many before me had described as leaving them speechless. I hadn't seen it at that point,and at 12:35pm on a Monday afternoon I sat down at my desk with a cup of tea and some strawberry yogurt, logged onto Facebook and found this video. #LookUp And it dawned on my just how true...
Good day to all you beautiful blog readers! Today I thought I'd write a little bit about beauty itself. What is beauty? How do we become beautiful? And really the answer is simple. Everyone holds beauty within them. You probably don't believe me and have heard it said a thousand times, but it's honestly true. To many people, beauty is determined by ones'...
So today's video, I thought I would spend just talking to those who aren't sure if university is right for them. I also share my experience! Enjoy and thanks for watching! x So today's video, I thought I would spend just talking to those who aren't sure if university is right for them. I also share my experience! Enjoy and thanks for watching!...
Step 1: Eye contact- it's extremely important to NEVER make any eye contact... with anyone. Only look at them at really bad moments, pause for a minute and then panic and look away. This is a really popular technique. Step 2: Talk to people who clearly aren't interested in anything you say, about a really boring or overly complicated topic and forget the...