Hello my festive creatures, How are you all? Good I hope. I myself am rather well and am enjoying my Christmas break. Today I went ice skating with my brother and his girlfriend which was both terrifying and brilliant. This evening I'm either going to watch a Christmas film or have a Lush bath, but either way there will be festive booze being...
Hello my lovelies, It has been ages since I've blogged and if you follow me on twitter you'll have seen me tweeting how sorry I am for being so absent on here recently. Basically I started a new career, and so I've been getting myself settled in, so I do really apologise for having to put blogging on hold for a while. I...
Sometimes working out takes a lot of motivation, especially when there are such delicious foods around. All we feel like doing is kicking back, watching Netflix and eating chocolate after a long day. But since I've incorporated running into my daily regime there have been so many improvements to my life. I'm about to share five of them with you now... 1.) You...
Today I want to talk to you all about skin care. Without good looking skin, our make-up doesn't look half as good as it could. What's more important is keeping our skin healthy, that way we'll have less of a need to wear make-up (not that any of us should ever feel like we NEED to wear make-up). Here are five useful tips...
It’s a common knowledge that losing some weight and getting into shape is usually a slow process. Not only is it time-consuming but it also requires a self-motivation. We keep making up excuses not to work out, or we easily get bored with it and give up. However, it is outside of our comfort zone where the magic happens. You need to set...
Hey guys, so if you've read my blog over the past couple of months, you'll know that in June I travelled to Disneyland Paris and wrote a couple of posts full of tips for going there yourself. Now, I promised you about 3 segments, and although it's taken me a while to upload this post, here it is. Disneyland Paris Parks If you've...
Hey, you must be thinking 'this is not Laura?' so I should explain to you all that I am guest posting on the lovely Laura's blog which is my first ever guest collab blog (thingy). We both thought it would be an amazing idea to spice up our blogs and give you all some tips about beauty (I'll try my best but I'm no...
Hi guys, today I am back with another beauty review. I've never really used primer before because I never really understood what it did and if it worked. So that gave me the perfect excuse to go shopping a find a primer than I could try and then review on this blog. I didn't want anything too expensive because I didn't know how...
Hello lovelies I have lined up some splendid beauty reviews for you, starting with a review of this product by St Tropez. Now this product is relatively new, coming out last year I believe. I'd wanted to get my hands on it for a while, but to be honest St Tropez is far too pricey for me and so I never bought it....
Hey guys! So, better late than never. I know, I know, my 7 Day Diet ended on Sunday and it's now Tuesday but I'm actually on holiday so I've been out and abouts. However I thought it a little rude not to finish off my updates from my 7 Day Diet so let's take another look through my goals and see if I...
Hey guys, so I know I failed to upload Day 4 yesterday, and I don't really have a good enough excuse. To be honest I was busy... busy watching The Devil Wears Prada with my mum... oops! So today I'll catch you up with day 4 as well as day 5. It's not been easy. I've found day 4 and 5 the hardest...
Okay, so today I am guilty of slacking slightly on my diet. Not necessarily intentionally but sometimes it's hard to completely monitor what you eat when you aren't the only person who is eating. Because I live at home currently, my mum buys food that everyone will be eating and so I can't exactly always dictate the meals! So, I had a high...
Back again with today's update on how my 7 day diet is going. This morning I started off with a white coffee with no sugar. I then had a bowl of cut up mango and banana. This was so sweet, perhaps a bit too sweet for breakfast, but was definitely refreshing and helped wake me up. For more energy I think I need...
Hey folks, So as promised (we all know I'm rubbish when it comes to keeping blog promises) I am back to update you and report back on my first day of dieting. As outlined in my previous post, I have set myself several goals. I want to be clear that this is a diet to become a healthier me with an outcome of...
Okay guys, so as you can see from the title, this post is about dieting. Basically I am putting myself on a diet. I've put on a few pounds in the last few months and my jeans are starting to notice... So this week I thought I'd blog about what I do each day, and report back with the end result after 7...
Hello, back again If you read my blog regularly (which I'm hoping you do, and if not and you're new then hello!), you'll know that I am a lover of fake tan. I'm not going to go into why I am, because I've probably rambled on about that in other posts and also vlogs! See my last fake tan video here. Today I...
Hey folks, So as promised, I am returning with another Disney post to continue my Disney segment. If this is something you want to hear about more regularly or the topic of holidays is, them be sure to let me know. I read all your comments and am so grateful for your kind words. So without further ado.. A key part of your...