
Life update and 5 favourite things about Autumn

November 20, 2016

Hello my lovelies,

It has been ages since I've blogged and if you follow me on twitter you'll have seen me tweeting how sorry I am for being so absent on here recently.

Basically I started a new career, and so I've been getting myself settled in, so I do really apologise for having to put blogging on hold for a while.

I am hoping to really get back into it because I love this little blog so much and I love all of you who read it. I've missed blogging so much but I've just had no energy!

So, I thought I'd just write this little post to let you all know that I am still here, and that A Little Bit Of Laura will continue.

I've been obsessed with LUSH recently and I actually have a little package arriving this week with some new Lush products so I am hoping to do a little Autumn Lush post for you all.

I also cannot believe that its mid November already and that before we know it it'll be Christmas. I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet and I'm starting to panic because I don't get much time to go shopping anymore. It was so much easier when I was at uni and had so much time on my hands!

Anyway this was just a little update post, but I didn't want to leave you with nothing so I thought I write about my five favourite things about Autumn.

1.) Matching clothes to the autumn leaves- maroon, purples, orange, mmm. I don't usually get too fussed with Autumn, however with my new job I get really excited about wearing nice Autumn coloured clothes. Today I bought a maroon jumper dress to wear tomorrow!

2.) It cold enough to get out your trusty winter coat and get cosy.

3.) You can come home after work and put your pjs on and it feels acceptable!

4.) Dark coloured lipsticks look cracking! My favourite at the moment is from the Velvet Kiss range by Collection.

5.) The clocks changing mean darker nights, which in turn mean cosier evenings, candles, blankets and movies.

Questions for you

What are your five favourite things about Autumn?

What is your Autumn staple?

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

If you could get just one gift this Christmas, what would it be?

Speak soon loves

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  1. personal posts like this one are my absolute favourite!
    definitely agree with the dark lipsticks, they're my fave thing about autumn! xo




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