
How to get yourself to workout at home

September 07, 2016

It’s a common knowledge that losing some weight and getting into shape is usually a slow process. Not only is it time-consuming but it also requires a self-motivation. We keep making up excuses not to work out, or we easily get bored with it and give up. However, it is outside of our comfort zone where the magic happens. You need to set your goals, get into the groove and do your best. There are different ways people to choose to get fit. One of the most popular and practical ones is a home workout. It’s time-saving and more importantly, it’s free of charge as you don’t have to pay for gym membership. Nevertheless, people still struggle with finding the workout motivation and persevere and achieve their goals. Having the will to do it is the first step in the process of getting fit. Here are a few essential steps you need to consider that will help you tap your natural motivation.

Make a list of reasons

If you’re having second thoughts about starting or continuing your workout, it’s always advisable to create a list of all the reasons why you think your daily exercises will help you get into a shape and all of its benefits. Naturally, making up a list doesn’t make much sense if you just put it into a drawer. It’s best to pin it up right near your workout area so that it is easily visible. Every time you feel as if you aren’t making any progress, when you start losing hope and considering quitting working out, look at the list. It will help you remain positive and hopeful throughout the whole process and it will give you considerable strength to pursue your aim.

Choose exercises that suit you 
Before you start exercising, it is crucially important to choose physical activities that you really like and that you find both entertaining and beneficial. There are numerous types of exercises you can take, from regular, more demanding pushups and squats to relaxing yoga or a lively dance. You should consider the effect you are trying to achieve and then choose exercises accordingly. However, bear in mind that it should be entertaining and fun and it will surely increase your motivation.

Make a music playlist 

Many people say that music enables them to be generally more productive while doing mental or physical work. It creates comfortable atmosphere and keeps you motivated. Regarding physical exercises, it puts you in a great mood and it creates appropriate workout rhythm which makes the whole experience even more engaging. Make up a playlist of music you like, such as instrumental or maybe latest hits that will help you maintain your pace without getting bored. 

Choose the right equipment
Choosing the right workout equipment might not seem relevant. However, if you invest into special up-to-date workout equipment, such as a pair of training shoes or a couple of trendy tops and leggings, it will most definitely make exercising even more enjoyable and boost your adrenalin. 

Enjoy in tiny rewards

Making so much effort and investing so much time to reach your goals deserves a reward. After each session or each pound you lose, treat yourself with something that relaxes like a glass of wine or other tiny rewards like watching a good movie with friends or even eating an ice-cream you were craving for. It will give to strength to keep going and finish what you’ve started. No workout-no ice cream!
Most of us have a very tight week schedule due to different work obligations, events we need to attend or some socializing with friends. That’s why it’s necessary to establish a consistent routine and stick to it. A big advantage of exercising at home is not only the possibility to choose the days of the week and the time to do exercises, but it also enables you to choose the most appropriate spot where you feel most comfortable exercising. Make a plan and consider it non-negotiable. You have to work out.
 Written by Roxana Oliver
Roxana is a travel enthusiast and lifestyle consultant from Sydney and she loves to write about her adventures. She is all about the healthy lifestyle, loves to run with her husband and dogs and has fun cooking exotic meals for her family. Being a typical Aussie, she often hits the waves and loves beaches and sunshine! You can find out more about her writing following her on twitter and facebook. She is also one of the editors at Higstylife Magazine.

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  1. Thank you for this insightful guest post! :) I've been dying to start possibly exercising at home, instead of the gym until I'm more financially stable for a yearly membership, so this has been a really great help to me tonight, thank you! :) x



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