
St Tropez In Shower Gradual Tan | Review

August 24, 2016

Hello lovelies

I have lined up some splendid beauty reviews for you, starting with a review of this product by St Tropez.

Now this product is relatively new, coming out last year I believe. I'd wanted to get my hands on it for a while, but to be honest St Tropez is far too pricey for me and so I never bought it. However this product was on offer in Tesco and although it was still expensive at about £9- £10, I thought it was worth it-as I would be saving about a fiver.

I'd heard mixed reviews on this products but it has been spoken off very highly by many and by magazines and so I was very excited to try it.  To be able to get a tan, in the shower, and have no 'fake tan' smell is brilliant, I thought, and how this was possible, I was unsure, but nevertheless I was keen to achieve what promised to be the most effortless tan EVER!!!

Unfortunately... despite how it has been bragged about, it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

First of all, the smell is better and doesn't smell of fake tan when you take a whiff from the bottle. It smells quite strong but in no way unpleasant, so at least there is one pro.

The process, although described as easy, I actually found a bit of a nuisance. It basically says to wash yourself first in the shower and then turn the shower off, and then apply the tan generously over the body, it then tells you to wash your hands after use. But doing this meant I of course had to turn the shower back on, which meant getting my body splashed a bit and when rinsing my hands, the water would run down my arms, so I found it easier to just not rinse my hands afterwards. Doing this I was expecting to face the orange hands consequence. However I didn't, like, at all. This was my first sign that this tan wasn't really doing anything, because usually you'd at least expect to see a faint tan right?
Anyway, you have to stand there with this lotion on your body for three minutes, which is slimy from the water and feels more wet in some places, like legs where it runs off with the remnants of water, and more creamy on your top half where you may apply last. After three minutes of standing and feeling slimy and helpless you have to turn the shower off and rinse your body with only water.

Luckily, St Tropez were correct in saying that there would be no fake tan smell. But perhaps this is because there is no fake tan in the bottle to begin with. I say this because I really didn't notice much difference to my skin tone AT ALL. Once I thought perhaps I had a hint of a glow, but I put that down to trick of the light. I knew it'o only a gradual tanner however and so I continued to use it for about four showers afterwards, and I still didn't really see any tan expect perhaps a faint and I mean faint, glow.

Overall this tan was disappointing. I will however attempt to use it again and see if maybe my application was what hindered it before, and perhaps I will come back and let you know how it went. However for £15, this did not seem worth it- sorry St Tropez.

Speak soon

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