So originally I was going to blog about Christmas, and I do still plan on doing that, but a recent thought has gotten me thinking and thus me wanting to write about it. So, it's occurred to me lately just how much I think about others. And I'm not calling myself a saint, nor am I saying that by thinking of others I...
Okay so as well as battling with Uni deadlines, I've taken it upon myself to write a little post for all you beauty lovers out there. Now I'm not promising a break through of the century or anything grand, but I did buy some new make-upy things the other week so I thought I would share my thoughts to all. SO the story...
Okay, so you may think I'm bias, however only recently have I realised the amount of work that goes into animation. Some of you may have heard of Crunchlins, which is a Youtube channel with lots of funny cartoons. My brother gets up super early every morning and works until late at night all week working on his animations. It really pays off...
So I thought this would be the prime opportunity to write seeing as I am tucked up in bed/in my onesie- yes it's that cold in a student house! So I have no excuses really, so here I am. When I started writing this post I wasn't sure what I would like to write about. You see for my course I have to...
Hello, me again. Recently it's occurred to me, that I don't look after myself enough. And by this I mean I always worry too much or care too much about others or what others think, that I don't have time for myself. And to be honest it does no good to be like that. For once in my life I want to do...
It's that time of the year again when everyone seems to be or get ill- I know I am. I can't seem to shake whatever it is that I have. It can make you feel really glum, so for those of you who are stuck for ideas on how to feel better, here are a few of my tips: 1.) Get plenty of...
Being Back
So I've been terrible at keeping up with my blogging schedule recently *smacks hand* and I keep apologising but that's because I genuinely feel bad. It feels so weird not blogging, now that I've been doing if for so long! I'm saying this now, and I hope I can keep my word, that I am going to be getting back on track as...
2nd year highlights the fact that the fun year is over. Of course all of your years will be fun, but gone are the days where you can be a little care free and not worry about anything. This year you can't miss anything as it all counts for your final grade and you suddenly realise how much more effort you need to...
How to
Sometimes we fill our lives with social plans and studies and work, that we forget about one very important thing- relaxation. We may feel like we have no time for it or that cramming lots of activities into small amounts of time is the same as relaxing as you are spending your 'free time'. However free time can be seen and used in...
Sorry folks, I've been slacking again haven't i? To be fair I have recently moved back to Portsmouth and into a house! Exciting. I've been really naughty and haven't blogged much recently, and it's been like the first time I've ever not been on track with my schedule so I apologise. It's just been one of those rough times I suppose when we...
Sometimes in life, we are approached by opportunities that leave us questioning whether or not we should cross over the bridge to a possible future or stay put for fear of losing what we already have. This will occur a lot in life- sometimes the bridges are tiny but sometimes they are huge. These bridges could come in the form of a new...
It has occurred to me that I am yet to apologise for last week's lack of blogging. It's been a tricky week to say the least. You know when all the little things get to you because all the bigger things have taken over? Yeah that's what I was experiencing and am still experiencing at the moment. Sometimes in life there will be...
Back for a pupdate. Mr Marvel is doing well and is looking rather lanky now as he enters his teen phase now that he is 4 months old! He's a troublesome one that's for sure, he still likes to nip at my hands, feet and clothing- me more than anyone else, not sure why, maybe I taste better! Anyway I have a little...
Liebster Award
I have been nomintated for the Liebster Award by Demi Sherman from Beauty and The Lifestyle blog. Thank you! This is a tag for bloggers (who have under 200 followers). It works by you answering the 11 questions the person who tagged you asked, and then you tag more new bloggers and ask them 11 new questions of your own! The rules: Link...
This week's Budget Beauty Buy award goes to..... *Drum Roll* Garnier's SOS Repair, Intensive 7 days hand cream. It won me over because I have extremely dry hands and this was my savour. With frequent use, my hands began to feel softer and the skin became stronger. A lovely sent as well and isn't greasy or sticky! ONLY £2.99 from stores such...
If you've watched the show then you'll already know that Room 101 is where the contestants 'send' their pet hates. So, I thought about it for a while and here are my 3 things that I'd put into Room 101. 1.) People who use social media far too 'openly' and tend to share their entire life with everyone on their timeline. These types...
Fresher's week is always a much awaited time for students to-be. For a lot of students, it offers a chance to be wild and free, and a perfect way to celebrate living away from Mum and Dad. It's hard to know what to expect before experiencing it as it is not the same as going on a one off night out. Here are...
We spend all year waiting for our summer holidays whether they be a sunny beach holiday or a bagpacking scottish wildlife holiday, we can't wait to start packing. But are you ready for your holiday? Some of our holidays can be very costly and it seems too much to pamper ourselves before we go, even though we may need it. However not all...
So yesterday marked the beginning of The Great British Bake Off. For anyone who doesn't watch it- you're missing out. It follows 12 contestants who compete agaisnt one another baking both savoury and sweet delightful things, from sponges to loaves. My family and friends love watching this show as it is just simply lovely. I rarely ever watch shows anymore that aren't corrupted...
The paranormal is something that has been debated for many years. Some people believe in the paranormal whilst others choose to take a more logical approach by suggesting that everything can be debunked. Many people claim to have seen what they describe to be spirits or ghosts and often those who are non-believers, think that there are reasonable explanations for these experiences. However...
So a few years ago I used to bleach my hair. It was almost white, and I kept bleaching it when my roots came through. I really didn't know that much about hair and hair care, and soon enough I started to notice my hair seemed to be getting shorter. 'How could this happen?' I'd question. I didn't realise that hair could break...
The German Grand Prix was certainly a very exciting one and saw Lewis Hamilton start from 20th place on the grid and fight his way up to finish in 3rd. A fantastic drive from many drivers. Rosberg took and kept his lead well and was consistent as usual, even when at one point it looked as though his left front was struggling, he...
I went to Whipsnade Zoo for a friend's birthday. So I thought I'd share with you all some of my pictures or photography shall I say! Enjoy! Now there's a noble looking fella! This snake seems kind of cute from this photo. He's all snuggled in himself. Cute. This guy is very photogenic! This guy appears to be thinking, maybe he's planning a...