Bargain Beauty
December 10, 2014Okay so as well as battling with Uni deadlines, I've taken it upon myself to write a little post for all you beauty lovers out there. Now I'm not promising a break through of the century or anything grand, but I did buy some new make-upy things the other week so I thought I would share my thoughts to all.
SO the story goes, I ran out of powder (oo so interesting). I know right, this sounds like such a first world problem- and it is! But anyway, I work weekends, and I like my make-up to be as hard wearing as possible. This usually means wearing powder. Now I don't know whether it's just my face or not, but make up never stays on well, even ones that promise they will. Maybe I touch my face far too often I don't know. The point is... I needed/wanted a new powder.
Now I'm a student, so I was never planning on splurging on something like Maybelline or Rimmel. I wanted something that was cheap, easy and did it's job and would perhaps last until I could afford a better one etc.
So I took an early morning, brisk walk to big ASDA (saying that, I've never really seen a small one). I didn't find anything there, although we did buy some vinegar (exciting). So next I went to Superdrug, and I was superhappy (see what I did there? Terrible I know) as I didn't realise there was a Superdrug near ASDA. I went in there and I discovered a brand which I think I'd only ever come across once before and had totally forgotten about. MUA.
This brand was so cheap AND they were doing a 3 for 2 deal which is great. I didn't really need 3 things but I thought 'what the hell'- naughty I know. But it all came to less than £10 so it wasn't bad at all!
Here are my purchases:
Mua- Make Up Academy- Pressed Powder- Colour: Natural
Now the colour looks fairly light, but actually comes up darker. Unfortunately but biggest regret with this is that it came out way too orange on my skin- maybe my own fault. However it does go on very well. You have to apply a fair bit if you're wearing thick make-up because it's very light. However it feels so nice on your skin- super soft! So just make sure you get the right colour! This product was only £1!!! Bargain!
Mua- Matte Perfect Foundation