In Beauty, instagram

August Instagram Round Up

Since we are almost at the end of August (I can't believe it's gone this fast!), I thought I'd do something to celebrate and round up the month. It's been a crazy kind of month, so much has happened. I've seen people do Instagram round ups and seeing as I'm a bit of an Instagram junkie I cannot think of a better way...

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In lifestyle,

Dear Reader | A little life update

Hey guys, I thought it was about time that I did a little post, addressing you all, my lovely readers. It's been a long summer and there has been a lot of beauty posts. It's been a while since I've done a post where I've just spoken to you, the reader, and spoken about myself, my life and of course what's going on...

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In Beauty,

Sanctuary Body Butters | Exciting Finds | Beauty Review

Photography by Laura Beth Sexton Photography  Don't you just love it when you are rummaging through old bits and bobs and gifts and you come across some awesome things that you've never thought to try or had forgotten about? Well this happened to me and I came across these lovely little Sanctuary Body Butters. This body butter is perfect for applying after a...

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