Ingredients: 4oz Butter 4oz Caster Sugar 2 eggs 4oz Self Raising Flour Vanilla Extract Icing Sugar Food Colouring If you want to make more, you could double (8oz) or do 6oz of everything and 3 eggs. Recipe: 1.) Measure out the butter. 2.) Measure out the sugar. 3.) Put butter and sugar together in a big bowl. 4.) Mix butter and sugar until...
Okay, so *deep breath*, today I post my first official fashion post- yaaay! And I have to admit the photos are pretty rubbish. I was planning on taking photos of myself wearing the clothes but it is Sunday( when I'm writing this) and I don't have my tripod and I don't have make up on- hehe naughty. So I tried my best to...
So today's post is going to just be a happy, little Sunday post about things that have made me either happy or proud this week. So previously in my life my house mates and I rescued two rats from our student house and set them free. It all started a few weeks back, we kept having sightings of the little hairy creatures. It...
Julienne Eyelash & Brow Tint | Tint Your Eyebrows and Eyelashes from Home | Review
So this product I got from amazon. Great delivery and came within a few days. The product package included the Julienne eyelash & brow permanent colour, Julienne eyelash & brow activator, eyelash tinting brush and a glass dish for mixing. There was also a mascara looking brush that was included in the permanent colour box! I was rather sceptical of this product...
Hello everyone, so Autumn is here and already I'm feeling the cold I don't know about you? My big coats are already hanging up waiting for me and my hands are getting dry and chapped- ah England. So I thought for today's posts I'd talk to you about Autumn trends and which products I tend to keep in my make-up bag this season....
I was fortunate enough to receive my first ever book to review on A Little Bit Of Laura the other day which in itself is an achievement for me. I could have asked for the book as a kindle copy however I wanted to take photos of the book so you all could have a look at it, and so the lovely author...
This morning I rolled over in bed and tried to breath in the morning air. Except I couldn't, because I had a blocked up nose. Oh aren't colds just the worst? I had a 9am seminar which I had prepared and done the reading for AND extra research. I knew I had to get up and shower and so I prised myself away...
Life Update
Hello my lovelies I hope you have all been enjoying my beauty posts recently. I still have a fair few lined up along with some fashion posts and fitness articles so do stay tuned if you want to keep up! Once again a massive thank you to everyone who reads this blog and leaves lovely comments. If I don't get the chance to...