
Garnier Pure Active Anti- Blackhead Deep Pore Wash | Review

March 18, 2015

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm very into skin care at the moment. My skin is not good and can be dry and oily and flakey and just, well not nice. I've been experimenting with 4 different products and today I shall review one of them...

Garnier Pure Active Anti- Blackhead Deep Pore Wash

  • This product smells really fresh, sort of like cucumber which is of course such a delicate and lovely sent to have, especially for facial products. 
  • It contains little gritty blue balls which help unclog your pores, and it's supposed to prevent blackheads. I've been using this product for just over a week now and my skin feels super soft and squeaky clean. My blackheads do look minimised as well and I'm hoping this will continue to clear my pores.

It also of course works as a subtle exfoliator, which leaves your skin feeling nourished and flake free.
I use this product once daily.

I would rate this product 8/10

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