

June 08, 2014

You may or may not know that a few months ago my family's beloved Golden Retriever Dexter sadly passed away. He was getting old and the way I like to look at it is that he decided that it was just his time to go. We were all heart broken and felt as though a part of us was missing. After all we'd had him since I was just six years old!
The memories we shared will never be forgotten and he will remain in out hearts and lives for ever.
However after a couple of months the hole in our hearts was only getting bigger and we knew that we had so much love to give.  We knew that Dexter would want us to give the love and the good life we gave him, to another dog who needed a family.  And so after weeks of looking we found an advert in Northampton for a Golden Retriever who was pregnant.
Yesterday we brought home our new arrivel!

He is extremely playful and has settled into his new home already. He is not yet 8 weeks and is such a character! 
I truly believe that a house becomes a home once the family is complete. And in order to complete a family,  you need a dog. Their unconditional love is what completes a family and makes a house a home.
He has already created his own games such a one we call 'tunnel', in which we make a tunnel with our legs and he runs through them. 
I will be uploading a vlog hopefully next saturday which will feature lots of puppy footage! 

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