
Life's No Walk In The Park

June 05, 2014

So I thought I had better do another little life snippet, to update you all on what's been happening in my life recently. I never know how interesting these posts are for you, but I also know that it's quite relaxing sometimes to have something less stressful to read (I realise I say something like this in every post).

So I recently hit the 4000 views mark on my blog, which to outsiders doesn't seem very much at all, but to me I think that's a great start. That fact my little blog has been looked at and read 4000 times makes me very happy! Of course it'd be fantastic to see those figures rising more and more,but so far I do genuinely see it as an achievement, and my blog has become something I am very proud of.

I may not be the best writer in the world, or the best blogger, but I do have a passion for what I do. I love to be able to make someone happy through my words, or to inspire someone through just writing something.

I was very down recently because I did not get the grades I had hoped for in some of my assignments at University, which when you are studying Writing, is very disheartening when you have such a passion for blogging. However, sometimes I think 'what do they know'? I love what I do and have received such positive feedback so I am going to just continue doing what I love. What do grades mean anyway? Nobody is the same so how can you mark writing when there isn't a right or wrong answer! I, and many others experiencing the same need to be proud of their own work and remember that others are different to you and only you can write what you write!

So I also moved out of my University Halls of Residence which was a very emotional time for me. It didn't help that I was rushed out of it for an inspection- I barely got to say goodbye-( Am I the only one who feels the need to say farewell to rooms?). Anyway, I'm back in Northampton now, and with some very exciting news coming up!

Because I am away from University for 3 months, I will really try my best to be 100% dedicated to blogging. I will also try my best to do as many Vlogs as I can also. Of course I was aiming to do one every Saturday, however sometimes I have found it rather hard, so I will try my best to upload vlogs when I can.

Today has been a beautiful day, and I spent it being in town and at the park with two of my very close University friends (who happen to live near me). We had a little picnic, over looking the lakes and the ducks and we saw a very aggressive swan! It has been a lovely day!

So that's my life at the moment, for you! What have you all been up to? X

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