
Younique Reviews Coming Soon

June 17, 2014

So I recently was given the opportunity to receive some make up from Younique. Younique is a fabulous make up brand that is yet to take off in England. I feel so privileged to be one of the first to try out these lovely products!

I know from personal experience that finding the right make up brand can be a tricky and rather tedious task at times. Sometimes a product from one brand works and another doesn't and we end up with a wide range of products from various brands. So when I was contacted by one of Younique's presenters, I was extremely excited to try out some great new make up!

First of all I would like to say, that a lot of the make up reviews I have previously done have been more aimed towards students and budgeting, however I feel as though Younique products are aimed more at people who perhaps earn money or like to spend a little more money, as the products are a bit more pricey- perhaps a lovely gift or when you fancy treating yourself- Younique is perfect for when you fancy splurging a little! I think it is also important to remember that sometimes it is worth spending a little more money on a product that you'll wear all the time and gives you fantastic results. I know that I have often opted for the cheaper make ups rather than choosing a more pricey one, and have been disappointed with its poor results. When I have spent more on make up it has always given me better results and I never feel as though it is money wasted.

As I was kindly given a lot of samples, I figured the best way to do this review well, would be to do it in separate parts. So Part 1 will be on skin products! And I'll be uploading that very soon so stay tuned!!

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