
5 Things I Want To Try This Summer

June 10, 2014

June 21st marks the first day of summer, and not everyone knows that. Some people believe as soon as the sun comes out, that summer has started or that the 1st June marks its beginning, however the summer solstice actually is the 21st June. It is also the longest day! 
      Of course I broke up for my 'summer' holidays on the 31st May, and I don't return to University until September. So there is a lot of time for me to try new things this holiday. So I thought 'why not blog about it?' and blog about it I shall!

1.) First of all, and this is a task I've been telling myself I'll do for years now and that is getting fitter. I'm not THAT unfit, but I'd love to tone up a little around the belly section. Don't get me wrong, I have learnt to love my body, and everyone else should too. But if you fancy getting in better shape, toning up or exercising for fun, summer is the perfect time to do so! I started the 30 Day Abs Challenge, and managed the first 5 days, but with the arrival of our new pup Marvel, every free bit of time I have, I prefer to lounge on the sofa! However seeing as I have about 3 months away from University, I have more than enough time to make a better schedule. Maybe do some yoga on the Wii Fit!

2.) Last year for Christmas I was given the
wonderful gift of a Great British Bake Off recipe book- marvellous! So this summer I want to try out some of the lush recipes I have found in there. Perhaps i'll start off with a simple recipe of a baguette, then later become a baking genius and equal Paul Hollywood's and Mary Berry's cooking skills- although let's face it, that probably isn't going to happen. When I was in year 7, we were baking pastries and I designed what I called 'Cheese and Onion Cones' which basically were what they sound like. However I ended up having to rename and redesign them into 'Cheese and Onion Slugs'. They don't sound great but to be honest the tasted great!

3.) My hair has been growing out now for a long time, and it's finally fairly long. However I really want it longer. For some reason my hair is rather thin and dry and gets split ends rather quickly, despite the fact I tend to stay away from heat stylers! So maybe I'll find some magical and majestic fruit that makes your hair grow longer and stronger, but if that fails I really want to try some different products and if anyone knows any ways to make hair grow I'll take them! Long hair is great in summer, sometimes it can be quite hot, but having lushess long beachy curls is one of many dreams of mine!

4.) Being spontaneous is something I've always wanted to be. You know, like the kind of person who just takes off with a backpack and goes travelling or on little journeys to the countryside, trekking over hills and photographing the wildlife. I feel as though in life a lot of us hold back sometimes if we don't know the full details- which to be honest is safer! However I think it has lead me to over think things. Sometimes the best days and nights come from the spontaneous decisions we make. This also comes along with trying to be happier. Summer if a great time to be happy. The sunshine provides so much Vitamin D (probably less in England haha) that it's hard not to want to smile.

5.) I actually have a Diploma in photography and last summer I took some lovely wildlife photos, and spent time going to lovely places in order to take them. I loved being able to capture a single moment. So this summer I want to put my Diploma to some use and get snapping. If and when this happens I will upload them to here for you all to see!

What new things will you all be trying this summer?
See you Thursday! Keep day dreaming and be strong! X

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