
Climbing Kilimanjaro!

February 23, 2014

Practical Action is a charity that helps fight poverty in third world countries, using technological solutions. 

Yes that's right i've signed up to climb the great Mount Kilimanjaro for charity. It's for a fantastic cause, and will be a hell of a lot of fun! 

What is my target?

Total So far:

I've always taken an interest in helping others. This trip is such a great opportunity, and it feels wonderful to know that i'm helping others. I've been doing a fair bit of fundraising recently. As you can see unfortunately I am no where near my target yet, but every little helps of course! 
I've taken part in a London Raid- basically we stood with our charity buckets, in different train stations, wearing onesies, to raise money. I've hosted a pub quiz, and done a few competitions. I also have a few bake sales and such lined up. 

I've also had some generous donations from family and friends, which I am extremely grateful for. I would love to be able to achieve my total, and reach my goal of climbing 'Kili'.

If anyone has some hilarious or fun ideas of ways to fundraise, i'dlove to hear from you and i'd really appreciate it!!

Help me reach my goal!


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