
Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr Rescue | Review Thursday

June 04, 2015

 As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm really into lips at the moment and trying out new lip products. It occurred to me, however, that my lips are in rather terrible condition down to the cold weather that we are STILL having. I always buy lip balms and such but I always end up losing them, so I thought I would treat myself to a special one that I could pop in my pocket or handbag to carry with me at all times.

Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr Rescue

I'm already a huge fan of the Maybelline make up range and so when I spotted this, and it was on offer, it didn't take much to convince me to buy it. Now unlike some lip balms, this one actually is tinted which to some people may be good and others may not like it, it really depends on what you're looking for. However I really like this feature because it acts as a lipstick as well as a lip balm, but because it isn't as thick as a lipstick, when it wears off it doesn't show.

I've only been using this product for a few days but my lips do feel noticeably softer.
The only downside would be that because it says 'peachy' on it, you might expect it to smell of peaches- it doesn't. It does however smell on menthol, which isn't the best smell in my opinion, in fact I dislike menthol things as it reminds me of being ill. HOWEVER I was surprised at how little this bothered me. As a product it really doesn't make me like it any less and the smell is not noticeable when applied and if you can then it feels like it's giving your lips a nice tingle!

All in all I would recommend this product to others. 8/10

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