5 Things I Want To Achieve This Summer

June 16, 2015

Hello folks! Summer is fast approaching and when I think about it, there are a lot of things I want to have done by the time Autumn starts. So without further ado, here are the 5 things I want to achieve this summer...

1.) I want to read more books. I was lucky enough to have a Kindle for Christmas and so I want to try and read as many books as I can. This will not only be fun and give me more knowledge, but it'll help with my degree and dissertation. I want to try and read classics such as Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice (reading currently). Summer is the perfect opportunity to read!

2.) Get fit and healthy. This one I've talked about many times. But because I won't be at the gym, I want to go on country walks and jogs in the sunshine. This way I'll be enjoying the summer sun whilst getting fit. I want to start making smoothies and in summer I always prefer eating more healthily as to me, fruit and salad is really refreshing! Yum!

3.) Finish my Business Diploma. I little while ago I started an online Business Management and Entrepreneur course. At the end I'll have a Diploma. I really want to have this course done and dusted by the time Uni starts again in September. It's just another great thing to have on my CV.

4.) Do a big sort out! I have so much stuff, and I bet half of it I don't even use! Especially clothes. I want to sort through all my clothes this summer and all the things I don't want, I will either sell or take to charity shops! This has been a long time coming.

5.) Do more fun, spontaneous things. As discussed in Sunday's post, being spontaneous usually leads to more relaxed fun. When things are planned and organised to every last inch, they can become stressful and the fun sometimes disappears. So I aim to be more spontaneous and be more of a 'YES MAN'. Have you all seen that film? I love it! But of course saying yes to everything is stupid, but I do believe that by saying yes more often and taking chances, we can open so many more doors that we may never have thought to have opened.

So there you have it. There are probably a lot more things I'd like to achieve, however I wanted to keep it short and simple! Now I must finish eating my toast, and drink my morning coffee!

Leave a comment with things you want to achieve this summer.

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