In Animals, Blog

Marvel's 4th Week At Home

Week 4 of having Marvel- our gorgeous little Golden Retriever puppy. He is 11 weeks old now and growing rapidly, along with his character. As I type this he is having what we'd call a 'mad half an hour', which usually involves charging around the house or garden, bumping into things and being all round a bit mad.  It's amazing how well he...

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In aussie, bblogger

Aussie Miracle Moist Hair Care

So recently my hair has been feeling a little sorrowful. I swear sometimes I can hear it weep a little! 'Help me Laura, save us!' my hair cries to me! And help it I shall. I've been desperate to find news ways of bringing life and thick, fullness back to my hair, and it often feels dry and brittle with plenty of split...

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In Blog, Blogging

Marvel Is Teething

So this week and last have been very stressful. Having a new puppy is like having a baby (I imagine), except much more hairy. He gets us up at night, and it takes hours of playing with him to tire him out. Then when he falls asleep we can finally relax, yet he's so cute that when he's asleep we can't wait for...

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In bblogger, Beauty

Younique Reviews Coming Soon

So I recently was given the opportunity to receive some make up from Younique. Younique is a fabulous make up brand that is yet to take off in England. I feel so privileged to be one of the first to try out these lovely products! https://www.youniqueproducts.com/ I know from personal experience that finding the right make up brand can be a tricky and...

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In An Idiot Abroad, Big Train

My Top 10 Comfort Shows

Sometimes we need a little uplifting. Not necessarily because we are down, but we crave comfort from time to time, something that makes us feel at home, safe and happy. I often find this comfort in watching a good TV show with my family. 1.) Supernatural What's not to like about this show. Not only is it a bit of eye candy for...

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In follow, follow firday

Feel Good Friday

So I've been extremely stressed recently, and have struggled to find time and topics to blog about. Because the rest of my family have to work, I have been 'chief puppy looker afterer', which means even less time to blog. I love my little scamp, but I've been exhausted. So instead of a long written post I thought another inspirational post would be...

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In 5 things, baking

5 Things I Want To Try This Summer

June 21st marks the first day of summer, and not everyone knows that. Some people believe as soon as the sun comes out, that summer has started or that the 1st June marks its beginning, however the summer solstice actually is the 21st June. It is also the longest day!        Of course I broke up for my 'summer' holidays on...

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In comics, dog


You may or may not know that a few months ago my family's beloved Golden Retriever Dexter sadly passed away. He was getting old and the way I like to look at it is that he decided that it was just his time to go. We were all heart broken and felt as though a part of us was missing. After all we'd...

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In Beauty, Blogger

Life's No Walk In The Park

So I thought I had better do another little life snippet, to update you all on what's been happening in my life recently. I never know how interesting these posts are for you, but I also know that it's quite relaxing sometimes to have something less stressful to read (I realise I say something like this in every post). So I recently hit...

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In dream, images

Wonderful Wednesday

In 30 day abs challenge, abs

30 Day Abs Challenge

So I've taken it upon myself to do the 30 Day Abs Challenge. I spent months last summer being healthy and getting fit, and I lost a bit of weight, and then I went and put it all back on again at University! I don't purposely eat badly, but sometimes its cheaper and being a student means you take what you can get...

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In animation, crunchlins

My 5 Favourite Youtubers

Happy Sunday to you all! When we're bored, we often are all questioning what to do, and our answers are usually the same- Youtube. Ah yes the wonder that is Youtube. A place of humorous snaps, videos, music and what not. So, I thought I'd share with you my top 5 favourite Youtubers at the moment. And maybe you'll enjoy watching their videos...

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