'Man's best friend'. This saying I find to be nothing but true. Unless you have had the privilege of owning a dog I imagine it is quite difficult to understand how a human could say that. In fact I don't think we even 'own' dogs-we don't own people. I prefer the term 'knowing'. We get to know our dogs like we do members...
Tag, we said. Let's play tag. That seemed liked a fantastic idea. You know, being my 20th birthday and we're at Playzone pretending to be young again, why not? So we all ran of course over the play area / assault course. I ran, I jumped, I fell. Ouch. I felt my head smash against something you'd assume would be soft but was...
I have to warn you, this post is going to be cheesy. I apologise. Okay, so for those of you reading this, chances are you're already at University, but for those of you who aren't and are between decisions as to whether to go or not, I thought this little post might help or at least give you a bit of insight! If...
It's occurred to me recently that today's society focuses too much on appearance. Of course this isn't a recent thing, it's just that i've finally started to realise its effects. The media focuses too much on the appearance of celebrities and this is no way to produce role models for children. Over the past year or so, I focused so hard on trying...
When looking out of the window this month at University, I've only seen one thing. Rain. Then some more rain. And, wait, yes more rain. Lots of it too. A blog about rain and weather probably does seem a bit cliche, however because the rain is so loud, it's actually hard to think about anything else, and thus my blog post. The clouds...
Recently I've been struck by a question that I can't seem to shake off. What ever happened to good old fashioned fun? Being a University student, the stereotypical attitude towards fun is most probably drinking and clubbing, however if I'm quite honest my agenda includes quite the opposite. Do you ever think about how much fun you had as a child, running until...