In award, Blogger

Versatile Blogger Award 2015 - 7 Facts About Me

Hey guys, so if you were here on Sunday, you'll know that I was nominated for the Liebster Award for the second year running. Well now I've been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award too! Thanks Sarah for nominating me, you can find her blog here: For this award, the rules are simple: 1. State 7 facts about yourself 2. Nominate some bloggers...

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In hair, How to

3 Summer Braids- Tutorial- YouTube

In liebster award, lifestyle

Liebster Award 2015!

Hello everyone! So if you were here last year you'll know that I was nominated for the Liebster award! Well this year I've been nominated again thanks to Becky over at Hideaway Blogging! How exciting! Here are the rules: Thank and link the blogger (blogs) that nominated you Post an image of the award that you like the most on your page Answer...

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In Beauty, lifestyle

Slendertox Tea | Review

So I've seen many people posting reviews and pictures of this product and so I was thrilled when I was sent it to review on my blog! I love tea and so the idea of this made me really happy- that you could lose weight, cleanse and feel more energised by a cup of tea! Now I want to state that I wasn't...

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In fitness, Health

My Fitness Goals/ My New Diet

Diet. This is a word many people fear, some people loath and others, well others just don't use it. But 'diet' doesn't have to mean 'not eating' or 'losing weight'. Eating the way we do now is called a 'diet' but yet we tend to only associate it with losing weight. Since being at University for two years now it occurred to me...

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In Beauty, fitness

Self Confidence and The Sea

So the other day I went for a run. it was lovely and sunny out and as I hadn't gone to the beach already that day (due to it clouding over a bit) I encouraged myself to go for a jog down to the sea front. And as you know from my previous blog post, when the sun is out, it's a great...

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In lifestyle, youtube

What's in My Bag? YouTube Tag

Please go to my YouTube Channel and click the subscribe button. You can also fin all my other vlogs on there or on this blog! Watch this on YouTube ...

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In Beauty,


Okay, first of all, this product is super. In fact it is so super that I'd class it as my favourite product to use right now. Now as I've mentioned on so many of my posts before, I have weird combined skin, which means that it's dry and oily at the same time. I find it so difficult to find a foundation that...

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In lifestyle,

5 Things I Want To Achieve This Summer

Hello folks! Summer is fast approaching and when I think about it, there are a lot of things I want to have done by the time Autumn starts. So without further ado, here are the 5 things I want to achieve this summer... 1.) I want to read more books. I was lucky enough to have a Kindle for Christmas and so I...

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In lifestyle,

Sunny beach days, castles, chips and BBQ fun with friends!

Being spontaneous is one of the best ways to ensure you have fun. Being spontaneous turned my average day sitting at home/in the garden, into a fun filled day. Yesterday was super sunny in Portsmouth, and although it was windy, it didn't make it any less beautiful. I'd just finished uploading yesterday's vlog when I went downstairs to do some baking with my house...

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In lifestyle,

NO SPOILERS** Derren Brown's 'Miracle'

Hey loves, So if you follow me on twitter (@alittlebitoflau   go... now!) you'll know that I mentioned that I was not reviewing a product today. But, I did say that I would be talking about something awesome, and I will. So for about two months we've (myself, my brother and his girlfriend) have been really excited for, well what was last night,...

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In fitness, Health

5 Easy Ways To Be Healthy This Summer

If you're like me, then you'll probably go on another one of your 'get fit/healthy' obsessions again this summer- it happens every summer! To be fair to us, summer is the best time to get fit for obvious reasons. However getting fit and healthy can be hard especially as we enjoy indulging on meals out and sweets and what not to treat ourselves...

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In lifestyle,

A letter to fellow freelance writers and students...

Dear fellow writers, Being a freelance writer sounds great, working from home, creating your own hours and most of all, getting to do what you love. But like all jobs, it comes with its downfalls. As a student I have a lot on my plate with assignments flooding in from all directions, so the thought of any full time job is out of...

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In Beauty,

My Everyday Make-up Tutorial

In youtube,

Getting My Official Blog Design

So I finally got my blog a proper design! What do you think! Thanks to Crunchlins Animations for designing it for me! ...

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In Beauty,

Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr Rescue | Review Thursday

 As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm really into lips at the moment and trying out new lip products. It occurred to me, however, that my lips are in rather terrible condition down to the cold weather that we are STILL having. I always buy lip balms and such but I always end up losing them, so I thought I would treat myself...

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In lifestyle, travel

A Trip To The Yorkshire Dales, Caving, Beatrix Potter and a lot of Cheese.

After being at University and work since September (bar the seasonal breaks) a holiday definitely seemed due. Personally I have been keen to go abroad somewhere, but that always includes more money and someone else who is also eager to go away with- which to be honest as a student is hard to come by, so when the opportunity arose for me to...

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