Fake it!
March 04, 2014I haven't written in a while, and for that I am deeply sorry (I hope you haven't been too bored- I'm sure you haven't!). I've been really thinking recently about what is a worthy blog post to write, and one that people would really enjoy.
Okay, so this one isn't for everyone, but i've been meaning to start reviewing products and writing about them, so I thought i'd start today. The products I am going to be reviewing today is Tanning products- I know, some of you will be turning you nose up at this post! Sorry!
Although that may be true, I'll tell you a little bit about why I am writing this and tanning products. Some people out there are so lucky, to have darker skin that bronzes beautifully under the sun beams. Other ( such as myself) are not so lucky in that area. I'm am speaking on behalf of the population who have fair, pale skin and burn rather than tan. Ah, this is where my reviews come in. SO tanning naturally feels great it is of coruse very dangerous, and although I am pale and often wish I had darker skin, I would not change my skin for anything. I would much prefer to use fake tan, that I can create a tan all year round that doesn't damage my skin, than go out in the sun and permanently damage my skin. Not only can it lead to skin conditions, but when you get old you'll have really wrinkly skin. So to all you pale folk who hate their skin, stop! Its not the end of the world, and these products not only keep you safe, but are cheap as well!!
Product number 1.)
Garnier Body- Summer Body
Product number 2.)
St. Moriz- Instant self tanning mist.

Product number 3.)
Bronze Ambition-Glow'N'Go

Product number 4.)
Nip and Fab-365 Body Glow Fix

Please feel free to agree or disagree in the comment box and let me know what you think about these products! Hope you have enjoyed this post and that it's been to use.
Happy tanning!!
I apologise for uploading issues- tonight has been a nightmare in terms of blogging for me!!