
Goodbye to Primark | Hello To Blogging

May 04, 2015

So I hadn't mentioned on here, but for the past 9 months I have worked at Primark to help fund my University fees. This Sunday just gone marked my last day, and I feel so sad that I've left due to no longer getting to see some amazing people every weekend.

On the bright side for you all reading this, one of the reasons I needed to leave was due to making a self-employed career for myself out of this blog. I'm hoping within the next year to gain more experience in writing and more subscribers and followers. It's a risk, becoming a writer, giving up a solid income (for a student) to have a crack at something that could end up badly, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

It's better to start at the bottom of the ladder of a job you're passionate for, than half way up a ladder for a job  you'll hate.

And so I'll be here all the time now, pestering you all with my words and vlogs and articles. I was amazed at the response to a recent article I wrote for The News Hub, which received about a 1000 views in one night and is still rising. I feel so blessed that people are reading what I have to say, so to those of you who are supporting my work, I cannot thank you enough. I know these kinds of blog posts probably bore a lot of you, but it's a post I wanted to write nonetheless. 

So thank you. And please keep tuned as on Thursday I will be reviewing a mystery product.

Speak Soon 
Laura X

<<< Delicious sundae I had for my Work Leaving Do!

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