
Rain ruining my day!

May 19, 2015

So for today's blog post I was going to do some sort of summer lookbook. But the rain happened when I wanted to write it and so everything else seems as glum as it is outside. Poor us! So because Sunday's post was a recipe I thought today I would just write an update of my life.

So in one week's time I am going on holiday to Yorkshire with my family and my gorgeous puppy, so I cannot wait for that. It'll be nice to have a week off. Now because I'll be 'out of office' shall we say I don't know how much blogging time I'll get, however I do plan to keep you updated on social media and I will try my best to do at least one or two blog posts. But it's only for that week and then I'll be back on schedule. I need a holiday sorry guys!

It's getting towards the end of the uni year, which seems strange because its only May. Feel a bit cheated really, we pay so much money then are only here for about 6 months. Nevertheless I'm quite glad I've finished 2nd year, well hopefully- still one result to go *fingers crossed*. It means now I get to relax all summer.... no... I don't? really? Oh! No I have to start my dissertation ah! Help! I have some good ideas so hopefully my typing will turn into something incredible. I also plan to be blogging/vlogging mad over the summer and gain more follows and subscribers.

So today, I was going to be taking some nice photos of summery things but that isn't going to happen. It's also my last week of my gym membership *sobs* so I'm going to try and do a two hour gym sesh and smash it! Got to make up for all the non exercise I'll probably do over summer. With that being said you're always more active in summer so maybe things won't be too bad?

I also need to start tidying a bit I think. My room is a tip and our landlord is coming for an inspection on Friday!! So today seems like a bit of a dull day to be honest, to go with the weather! However I think sometimes we need these kind of days to recharge and get everything (ours lives) sorted. I know I feel so much better after a chore day because there is less work for me to do the next day. And a rainy day is the perfect day for chores!

SO on Thursday I'll have another little review for you. How do you all like the schedule? I'd love to hear from you so please do not hesitate to comment- whether its good or bad! Because 'll be on holiday on Sunday, Sunday's post is going to be uploading tomorrow (Wednesday!). Enjoy!

Thanks for all your love and support.

Speak soon
Laura X

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