
Summer Update

July 15, 2014

Hey chums, so I've been pretty good at my schedule recently, uploading on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and even more some weeks. Some weeks I seem to be full of ideas of posts for you all to read and other week I seem to be stuck in a world where words do not exist, and I cannot write anything worth reading. Today seems to be one of those days. I thought about uploading some pictures from my zoo trip, but then changed my mind, then I thought about reviewing some lipsticks/colour balms that I recently bought but in all honestly I needed my phone to take photos and it's currently upstairs charging (despite the fact it's been charging all night and has only reached 34%-stupid phone). Maybe I'm just being lazy, or maybe all my ideas are lost in the universe somewhere and are searching for me!

Things have been rather full on/exciting recently, as I've been focusing on writing articles. I have recently become a writer for Student Wire, which is an online student magazine, so I've been searching my brains for not only blog posts but articles for that also. Then to add to that I've been trying to send articles to papers and other websites to be published, as well as writing new articles for possible future sending/portfolios. My goal for when I finish university is to have a portfolio of articles written for various different sites, papers and magazines so I suppose I just have to keep trying! 

Yesterday I treated myself to a morning at the salon. I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time ever (professionally, I've tried doing it myself) and I have to say I love my new eyebrows. I also got them tinted along with my eyelashes. It was rather relaxing to just sit there for a bit and come out feeling renewed. I also popped into Primark (as you do, rude not to really) and bought myself an nice summery t-shirt and a lovely summer dress! 

So I apologise that today's post isn't really something you want to read, but I just fancied a chat today. 

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