
My Second Day Hair Regime

July 08, 2014

All girls dislike greasy, messy hair. Well most, I am yet to meet anyone who has said to me 'I love having greasy hair'- because that'd be weird. If I had it my way I'd wash my hair everyday, because I love feeling fresh (well if I had it my way, hair would never get dirty in the first place), however I know now that washing hair isn't always what's best for it. So now that I wash my hair every other day, I thought it'd be interesting for me to share with other likeminded women, how I prep my hair on it's second day. Exciting I know.

First of all, the obvious step, and I'm not going to insult your intelligence by descibing how to brush hair. But yes, basically brush your hair well, but carefully. If you're having loads of hair come out, it's probably partially due to rough brushing. So be kind to it! 

My hair, like many others i'm sure, gets greasy pretty quickly, and what's more off putting is that it feels greasy or hot, sometimes even if it doesn't look it. So for my second day hair, I need something that'll take this feeling and appearance away. I'm sure you all know what is coming.... dry shampoo. When it comes to dry shampoo I don't always have a preference. The ones i've used have all done their job, however the one I'm using at the moment, and have probably bought the most is Batiste. 

Batiste Dry Shampoo comes in lots of different scents or as I was about to say, flavours, but I wouldn't recommend tasting them! I spray about 20-30cm away from my hair in the places I need it (which is everywhere to be honest) and then massage through with my hands as if I were washing my hair- just not too much else you'll cancel out what it just did. Then brush it through a bit, so you don't have any dusty looking hair. If there is anything worse than greasy hair, it's looking as if you've been sat on a shelf for years/you have prematurely grey hair. Then voila, you hair feels so much better. This is a must have in your holiday bags, and great for students or working women who don't have time to wash hair everyday!

I get plenty of split ends (the little buggers) so my next step is to make sure I've treated them. I can't stand the throught of second day hair bunged up in a bun, without any split end protection. Just imagine your hair bobbles declaring war on your ends and chopping all their heads off. You're hair is going to get shorter if you don't take care of your split ends, and continue to throw your hair back in to a messy updo! I hate to say it girlies, but the messy bun isn't always our best friend! :( Now I swear by Tresemme's Split End Remedy. I've been using this for a few years now, and I really do think it has magical powers. I don't go without this now, and to be honest it isn't that expensive! I put this remedy through the mid to end parts of my hair, making sure not to put it further up and cancel out Batiste's work. After using this, I feel more confortable styling my hair as I am reassured that my hair will be in a much better condition and won't be so frail and brittle!

After this my final step it to style it. If i'm feeling really confident I may leave my hair down, but that only happens once in a blue moon. Usually I'll pop it up in a lose pony tail or lose topnot and clip my bangs back out of my face. 

That's my second day hair regime. Maybe it was of use to you. Maybe it wasn't. 

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