I'm not sure how much of that statement is true. I do think that sometimes things happen for no reason, and we have no control over how or why the occur. But I truly believe that some things are predetermined, and DO happen for a reason. Many cultures and religions believe in fate and destiny, and have different ideas as to our life's...
Okay, so I thought I'd take this time to do a more casual blog and tell you about what I've been up to recently. As you know from my previous post, I am currently in the process of raising money for the charity- Practical Action. My total so far is about £203 which is a fantastic start! Last week and this week myself...
Wasn't being a child just the most fun you've ever had? Wasn't it so easy and magical? Now, as you're speedily growing up faster than your body promised(dear body, I thought we had a deal?), things are being revealed to you as harder than they once looked. Being 20 and having finally turned into an age where I no longer can use the...
With Easter lurking just around the corner, and endless amounts of deadlines for students, most people are probably stressing about work or excited for the days after hand in day. But not this girl. No, besides having that usual stress, today was different for me. Judge me all you want, but this morning I wasn't thinking about deadlines or word counts or referencing,...
How amazing would life be if it were a musical? We'd sing a song about feeling hungry or bored and when we cleaned the house. I always feel happier when listening to music and singing cheesy tunes. I sometimes wish my life were a musical, perhaps people would actually be more truthful and say how they feel. There is something...
This is a feature I wrote for an assignment... Will the continuity ever end? Not only are there plenty of fresh faces joining us in the upcoming Formula One season that is scheduled to commence in Melbourne, Australia in March, but we are struck with even more new regulations to get our heads around. Whilst new regulations could potentially introduce a safer, more...
Dear Readers, Okay, so I know I previously wrote a blog post called 'Be YOU', and this post may seem similar, but I want to stress something that i've noticed. It is something that everyone knows, but nobody really notices. And that is how different we all are. I know, that sounds...
The Woman by the Rock Pools Every night he would see her. Crimson wavy hair that resembled silk ribbons, cascaded down to her waist and her peachy skin appeared as soft as a chick's feather. He did not know why she was there, nor did he ever approach her. He just watched as she sat on the rock pools by the tides....
I haven't written in a while, and for that I am deeply sorry (I hope you haven't been too bored- I'm sure you haven't!). I've been really thinking recently about what is a worthy blog post to write, and one that people would really enjoy. Okay, so this one isn't for everyone, but i've been meaning to start reviewing products and writing about...