As a young woman of twenty, I feel responsible enough to take this matter into writing. Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with some ridiculous lecture or anything of the sort, but what I feel is necessary is a good talking to. Since being at University, this matter has become more and more apparent to me. And that is ladies and...
My thoughts this morning are to blog about my thoughts, or thoughts that I seem to have daily. I don't mean the usual kind of thoughts like: 'what should I have for dinner?' OR 'What time do I need to get up?'. I'm talking about the unusual thoughts that I seem to have daily. Do Aliens live among us. We know they have...
Okay, so I thought I'd write about you for a change. Yes you, the readers. Or perhaps you're listeners, maybe someone is reading this to you. Which ever it is I want to let you know that you're extremely important to me- without you, i'd just be talking to myself. Maybe I am. If so, hello self! But if not, then I think...
Practical Action is a charity that helps fight poverty in third world countries, using technological solutions. Yes that's right i've signed up to climb the great Mount Kilimanjaro for charity. It's for a fantastic cause, and will be a hell of a lot of fun! What is my target? £2850 Total So far: £160 I've always taken an interest in helping others. This...
Thousands of women all over the world suffer everyday from one particular thing. Comfort eating. I know, we all do it. And why do we do it? Because biscuits are fantastic. I think I might consider marrying one. Whether you do it because you actually suffer from an underlying problem or because you are just bored, we all are victims of salty crisps...
Ah the smell of the sea salt and the freshly fried chips. Candy floss and doughnuts gripping our noses and pulling us in. The golden sand that melts under your toes at first touch and the gorgeous blue waves that lightly crash at the shores. Bliss. 'Hold up a second, you can't be talking about Portsmouth?' You might say. And of course, I...
There are people all over the world who aren't happy with the way they look. In fact most people would admit to not liking something about themselves. The thing is, in today's society we are encouraged and forced to look and act like celebrities. We are constantly reminded via the internet and newspapers and magazines about what looks good and what doesn't, and...
As a student, we are constantly trying to find the cheapest brands of foods. Although its tough, its actually a valuable lesson for the future. If you look hard enough you will find there are foods out there which are much cheaper and taste just as good as the more expensive ones. Here are a few tips and foods that are great for...
Relationships come in all shapes and sizes. Some can be long, some can be quick, and some can good and some can be bad. When you're a young teenager, they seem like the most important thing in the world. And at some point in your life they will be. But at that age they are not. There are so many young girls and...
Flappy Bird
Flap Off
First there was Angry Birds and Candy Crush which took up all of our spare mintues making us anxious and desparate to score or reach the next level, but now we are cursed with yet another ridiculous game. I introduce to you Flappy Bird. Now i'm not going to sit here and slam people who play it. I play it. I feel ashamed....
I know sometimes Winter can be gloomy. Cold stormy nights, wet clothes and wind swept hair. But that's no reason to feel down. And if you are feeling down you're not alone. January is always an anticlimax after Christmas and New Years, we feel the next best thing to look forward to is summer, and lets face it, that feels ages away. If...